More Scenes from ‘Save Jersey’ at the 2012 RNC

It was a week to remember in Tampa, Save Jerseyans.

I made new friends from around the country, met fellow journalists from around the world, and got to share in a remarkable piece of history as the assembled delegates nominated Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. What else could you ask for???

You can visit our Save Jersey archives for more of my videos, photos and observations from the 2012 Republican National Convention. What follows is several more image from my time at the RNC. Enjoy!


Condi Rice's left arm! I got a chance to speak with the former Secretary of State about her new hobby... golf!
I had a chance to interview U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).
Yours truly outside of the convention hall...


More photo-captured moments below the fold…

RNC Delegate with awesome Uncle Sam hat interviewed by a journalist.
A patriotic RNC delegate with style!
How could you not love this couple?
The big balloon drop after Mitt's Thursday speech!
South Jersey residents will recognize this guy... my old colleague from WPVI-TV, ABC Anchor Jim Gardner!


Susanne LaFrankie
About Susanne LaFrankie 22 Articles
Susanne LaFrankie is a former Philadelphia television reporter and radio talk show host. She has covered countless political campaigns, legislative proceedings, Supreme Court arguments and White House press conferences. The married mother of three teens, she has spent more then half her life living in Jersey.