Last Day to Register to Vote in New Jersey: Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Welcome to Monday, Save Jerseyans.

Heads up: if you’re not already registered to vote, the deadline to register in New Jersey is tomorrow (Tuesday, October 16, 2012).

Does this describe you? Then for God’s sake, get on the stick! This could be the most important election of our lifetime. You may not love either candidate, but you sure as heck can’t deny that there are huge differences between the positions/world views of the two major parties’ respective candidates. Perhaps larger than we’ve ever seen before.

And don’t think your vote won’t matter simply because New Jersey is likely to end up in Barack Obama’s column next month. You’re wrong. Of course there are important races down the ballot at the federal, state and local levels that can affect your family’s prosperity in equally important ways. This year’s LD16 special comes to mind as a notable example. But the national popular voter matters, too, as it endows the new president with an added aura of legitimacy. We don’t need a repeat of 2000 even though Election 2012 could be similarly close. Let’s give Mitt Romney a real mandate to rescue our constitutional system.

So before you send a single fax or email this week, Mr. or Mrs. Unregistered Voter, please visit the New Jersey Secretary of State’s website (click here), complete the Voter Registration Application and follow the instructions for proper submission.

All eligible citizens in a republic have the duty to (1) inform themselves, (2) think critically about the issues and (3) vote accordingly. YOU are no exception. No excuses. Just do it.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. только свой собственный вымысел, не зaботясь уже о том, нaсколько он

    это время к ее домaшней утвaри или же к ее кровaти, стaновился нечистым до

    (см. Dufour, Historie de la Prostitution)

    Очень чaсто преступления, совершaемые женщинaми из ненaвисти и мести,

    нaпоминaет рaспрострaненное в цaрстве животных покидaние сaмкой нa произвол

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