Real “Voter Suppression” (MSM-Style)

Supporters of voter id laws (like yours truly) are typically accused of advocating “voter suppression,” often by members of the mainstream media.

Forget about it being an untrue charge, Save Jerseyans. It’s hypocritical.

What is the latest ABC/Washpo poll BUT an attempt to suppress conservative turnout on November 6th??? This new survey out today (showing Obama up 49% to 46% over Romney) uses a truly bizarre but sadly typical sample skewed to the incumbent’s advantage:


Oh boy! Here we go again…

Despite mountains of evidence (statistical and anecdotal) that Romney supporters are far more enthused than Obama supporters in October 2012, many mainstream media outlets continue to use better-than-2008 turnout models for Democrats in their public survey samples.

It’s baloney… or malarky, if you prefer.

So when Democrats only turned out 7-points better than the GOP in 2008, how can ABC justify assuming a 9-point Democrat turnout advantage this time around. Particularly when their own poll shows Obama supporters’ enthusiasm down significantly (and Romney’s WAY up over McCain’s) relative to 2008?

Don’t fall for it, folks. The media likes a story; hence, don’t be surprised when Obama is declared the “winner” tomorrow no matter how he preforms. A few really biased talking heads and media establishment-types are actively trying to dampen your enthusiasm (how else can you explain a sample like the one discussed above?).

The truth? This was a close race before the first debate. It’s a close/lean Romney race heading into tomorrow night’s debate. We can win this thing. Believe…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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