UPDATE: What Would’ve the 2012 Map Looked Like If Only Taxpayers Voted?

There’s been questions raised by a few readers as to the original source of the map posted by Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the Michigan GOP and RNC chairman candidate, purportedly showing how Mitt Romney winning 441 electoral votes in 2012 if only federal income taxpayers were allowed to vote. A reputable reader pointed me to these maps from Buzzfeed.

I will try to confirm, Save Jerseyans.

In the interim, here’s a very interesting related piece from The Atlantic concerning where Americans don’t pay federal income taxes. They’ve included this map from the Tax Foundation (a site which we regularly rely on for great tax-related data)… food for thought! I might try to craft my own map…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Anon-

    1- Due to the winner take all nature of electoral politics, its very easy for maps of how certain groups vote to be the same. Because (with two exceptions) it doesn't matter what the percentage break up is, the winner takes all. Now I don't know how either of these maps was calculated, but having identical maps for different groups is not a big shocker.

    2- Having said one, where do you do your research? cause it looks like you dont know the basics.

  2. People who make the election about race are ridiculous. If you voted for Obama because he's black or Romney because he's white, you're an idiot. It shouldn't be about race — it's about what's best for this country, for our people as a whole. Not as individuals separated by race. If people keep holding on to race the way they are, then they are only contributing to the "racism" that they say still exist. Grow up and look past the skin color. Underneath that skin we're all the same. Use some common sense and think what's best for you, you children, and your families future, instead of your biased misconceptions about race and its role. This is the reason our country's in the crapper.

  3. This image is a hoax. The link in Anon's post is correct — this is an image of the electoral map if only white people had voted. Someone simply changed the text labels on the lower left of the image, and badly, too. They're not the same font and the alignment isn't quite right.

  4. So all the people that work are white men? I doubt that very much……I tell that to all the Non white and woman workers…

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