Greenstein Facebook Campaigning on State Time?

Linda Greenstein

There are plenty of things you CAN do as a state worker on the clock, Save Jerseyans.

Surf the web. Find new ways to spend money. Or just sit there and do nothing at all for the money, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer.

One thing you CANNOT do is engage in political activity.

So why is State Senator Linda Greenstein (D-Plainsboro) campaigning on her official government Facebook page (right)? And on state time?

In the screenshot below, you can clearly see at least two links, posted during the working day, by the Senator (or whichever staffer manages her account) to the url… the campaign website “Paid for by Greenstein for Senate, DeAngelo for Assembly, and Friends of Dan Benson.”

A big no-no, to be sure.

The funny part is that the Democrat campaign website linked on her government page touts Greenstein’s desire to “improve government transparency”  and, more specifically, make “government more transparent by letting taxpayers know how their money is being spent.”

I’ll settle for knowing who is being paid to play on your Facebook account, Senator!


Greenstein FB Screenshot

Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.