Day 4: Cory Booker Ravaged by Caffeine Withdrawal (VIDEO)

Cory Booker

Oh the humanity, Save Jerseyans!

On Monday, we cheered as Newark Mayor Cory Booker bravely subsisted on beans and rice. Yesterday, you watched from the edge of your respective seats as Cory Booker baked a potato. This morning, viewers heard him describe — in heartbreaking detail — the vicious caffeine headache catalyzed by his inability to afford coffee with a self-imposed $30/wk SNAP budget.

What kind of god could let this happen???

And what does it say about the New Jersey Democrat Party that this guy is their best shot at recapturing Drumthwacket?

Sorry friends, but I simply can’t take this guy seriously. I couldn’t even get through his food stamp videos without belly laughing as this stereotypical yuppie liberal transforms into a walking, talking gimmick before my waking eyes.

Granted, not everyone’s appraisal is quite so bleak. Irwin Fletcher believes Booker’s antics provide conservatives with a useful argument against big government; after all, Booker just spent four days shooting YouTube videos of himself crying into bowls of lima beans. Consider that we’ve reached record levels of food stamp use under President Obama, wouldn’t Booker’s hunger pangs indicate that SNAP is broken?

Not according to Booker. He concludes Friday’s installment by discussing how vital the program appears to him after a four day test run. 

Vital how? I thought he was hungry? And undercaffeinated?



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. To all the people who agree that it is difficult being on food stamps, they should get off them and go to their local pantries and soup kitchens for some much better free food and coffee (caffeine)

  2. What a dumbass. He can't figure out how to economize on coffee? A 12 oz package of espresso will last a minimum of two weeks. It costs under $4. He can't afford his yuppie coffee drinks from Starbucks on $30 per week, but he can afford coffee.

    You can eat for $30 per week per person and have a balanced diet as long as you shop smart and prepare all your own food and use fresh food. You just can't have sushi and Starbucks and other luxuries.

    If this guy can't handle a simple task like economizing on his food budget, then how can he possibly have the ability to tackle a $30 billion state budget?

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