Obama Doing Opposition Research On Christie…Finally

Yesterday the New York Post reported that President Obama’s re-election campaign is actively, yet “secretly” using operatives from within New Jersey to gather dirt on Governor Christie from his past and present. In my opinion, Save Jerseyans, this is the biggest non-story on Christie to come out of any news outfit. The story should not be that the Obama Team is digging around in Christie’s garbage, it should be that they waited this long to do so!

The idea that this late in the 2012 game Democrat operatives are on the ground in New Jersey finally compiling a file on our Governor is absurd, and should be grounds for a campaign shake-up. We are talking about a Governor who just in his first terms is likely more well known than any other Governor in the nation, who makes national headlines on a regular basis, who has been begged to run by everyone from Rush Limbaugh to John Boehner, and who has said, on the record no less, that he knows that he can beat Obama. I understand that Christie has been adamant about his not running in 2012, but with a profile like his, not doing this research is nothing short of a dereliction of duty.

Even if Christie sticks to his story and does not run for the White House this time (where he joins an ever increasing list of non-participants) the information would still come in handy. I have said it once and I will keep saying it all through the 2012 cycle. Chris Christie will be the king-maker for the Republican Party. His endorsement will be worth more than any other single Republican in the party. More than Palin, McCain, Huckabee, Bush, or anyone else in this primary season. The Obama campaign is not stupid, they want to be able to make a Christie endorsement toxic simply because they know, or should know, that every Republican contender is going to be fighting for it.

Unfortunately for Obama 2012, they aren’t likely to find much more than a record for fighting corruption, slashing taxes, and balancing budgets; things that all resonate with voters in these fiscally focused times. We are talking about a guy whose opponent in 2009 attempted to win by calling him fat. If thats the best Corzine could do, I cannot see Obama fairing much better.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


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