Vandals Attack a Middlesex County GOP Headquarters

Every campaign cycle sees its fair share of vandalism, Save Jerseyans.

Last year, our very Brian McGovern saw his car egged and his tires slashed in the final hours of a hyper-competitive local race down here in machine-controlled Camden County (Brian’s candidate ultimately won, btw, but Brian’s paint job not). Vandalism sucks, and it’s wrong, but it happens. Comes with the territory so to speak.

There’s also a silver lining for the victims of such childish acts committed in the heat of a tough campaign. Vandals usually don’t break things because they’re in a celebratory mood. More often than not, it’s a sign of real palable desperation on their part. So if your car gets keyed and your trees are full of toilet paper on election eve, then it’s probably a safe bet that you’re winning the race or at least seriously threatening an entrenched power.

I suspect that Old Bridge Republicans agree with my optimistic analysis; they’re a hearty band of hardworking taxpayer advocates who showed up at their headquarters on Wednesday morning to find torn signs, overturned pots, and even a folding chair “attached” to the front door. As Save Jersey previously reported, the Old Bridge GOP’s only crime this year was violating an unwritten and ancient rule of Middlesex politics: don’t question the entrenched county authorities! If you do, then I guess you can expect your yard sign display to pay the ultimate price.

Some images of the damage (and a little good humor) from the ‘Pallone Not for NJ’ blog:


Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.