America’s least disciplined (and most offensive) Democrat official is coming back to New Jersey.
You guessed it! Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to stump for U.S. Senator Bob Menendez next month.
Details are scant. According to NorthJersey.com, “An invitation says the event is scheduled for Monday, March 19. The exact time and location are to be determined. The invitation does not list the minimum donation required to attend.”
A summary of Biden’s past New Jersey campaign stumps:
- Back in June 2009, Biden confused then-Governor Jon Corzine with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine during an address at a D.C. gay and lesbian fundraiser (click here).
- Tom Kean, Jr. Asks: “Did Corzine Abandon Taxpayers to Save Biden Appearance?” by caving on a labor dispute to avoid a potentially disruptive union protest scheduled during their joint campaign appearance?
- That same month, Biden mistakenly claimed that an $8.7 billion Hudson River tunnel would support automobile traffic. Unfortunately for Joe, the tunnel was designed for trains instead (click here).
- On Primary Day 2009, Biden’s motorcade shut down the Lincoln Tunnel and prevented voters from making it to the polls (click here).
- Later in July 2009, Biden had to move a meeting with Corzine across the river to Philadelphia after forty-four individuals were arrested in a massive corruption sting (click here).
Can't wait to see what stupid things he says. It's like Christmas! Won't be able to sleep the night before.