Christie Does the Morning TV Circuit to Talk Budget, Romney

One thing has not changed over the last two years since Chris Christie became out governor, Save Jerseyans: He is in high demand.

It is hard to turn on any cable news channel, or even network news, and not hear them mention Governor Christie when talking about a number of different issues. He is one of the highest profile Governors in the United States, and with reason. He is leading a “comeback” in New Jersey with limited resources and incredibly limited support. He battles with a completely Democrat legislature and gets things done. He is essentially an underdog that keeps on winning, and Americans love an underdog.

So this week was the Governor’s budget address. Governor’s from every state make them every year, but of course, afterwards ours gets to go on national television and talk about all the great things he’s doing.

If you are up early enough reading this, then there is a chance that you could catch Governor Christie as he runs from studio to studio talking about his new budget in New Jersey, and likely taking some questions about Mitt Romney as one of his lead surrogates.

The schedule is as follows:

– 7:15 AM – Morning Joe, MSNBC
– 8:00 AM – Fox & Friends, Fox News
– 8:30 AM – Imus In The Morning, Fox Business Channel

Be sure to check it out!

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.