Far too often, Save Jerseyans, it’s hard to have a serious policy debate in the state legislature because many of its members are beholden to powerful special interest groups.
The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) comes to mind.
Trenton being what it is, private citizens need to step up and carry the torch. For example, as part of National School Choice Week, the NJ Tea Party Caucus and Smart Girl Politics co-sponsored a panel discussion along with the New Jersey Tea Parties United on January 31st.
Panelists included Bob Bowdon (creator of The Cartel documentary) and former State Senator Richard LaRossa.
Watch and share; the panelists articulated some very good ideas. I particularly enjoyed Rich LaRossa’s proposal to ban campaign expenditures from public unions:
Thank-you for including my video on Save Jersey. This was a talented and experienced group of educators. When there are so many children and so much state budget money devoted to education, any small improvement or change in policy, can make such a big difference in the students and teachers affected by the policy change.
No child left behind? Yeah right. All you Republicans are full of it.
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