Everyone who grew up in the Garden State knows this lady depicted in the viral YouTube video below, Save Jerseyans.
And God bless her! Whether she was your mother, aunt, best friend’s mom or neighbor down the street, she kept us all entertained. Well fed, too.
Maybe in Staten Island, but certainly not in Red Bank where I grew up. My family did not talk or act this way and to tell you the truth, this is somewhat offensive to me, and as you know, I don't get offended very easily and I'm not very PC. You may think this is funny, but its really not. All this does is promote offensive stereotypes. I'm sure I'll get comments to lighten up, but its just not funny. You should remove this.
Rick, you are lame. This isn't saying that all Italian women act like this all of the time, but I know plenty of people, myself included, that bust out this personality from time to time. Doesn't mean we're not intelligent or respectable people – I'm a lawyer. There's absolutely nothing offensive about this video. It's called a charicature; it's intended to be an exaggeration and a joke. What's offensive is how sensitive you are being.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I find this offensive, and you don't. So what?
Bravo!!!This was Right on !!! So my family! We can not complete a sentence before starting another! I loved all the scenes and trying to get everyone to eat! OMG! Too funny! I loved the bread scene.. Everything was perfecto! My son has got to watch this!