The REAL War On Women: Suffer 70% of Total Job Losses During Obama’s “Recovery”

My fellow Republicans are catching a lot of heat right now for suggesting – gasp! – that American women should pay for their own birth control.

Shocking, I know. Some days it does feel like we live in the “United States of Freebie.” And for challenging the entitlement culture’s latest assault on constitutionally-protected liberties, conservatives have been accused of waging all-out “War on Women” by Democrats and their allies in the media establishment.

This is a classic “wag the dog” maneuver, Save Jerseyans. A distraction designed to mask or obscure something else. In this case, Obamites doesn’t want voters to recognize the REAL war on women. The aggressors in that particular conflict are the President’s ideological flunkies (or “flukes,” if you prefer), and their singular objective is to make American women (especially single women) as dependent as possible on Uncle Sam for their every day survival.

Hard-to-spin stats from the hardly-right wing National Women’s Law Center:

  • Between June 2009 and January 2012, women’s overall unemployment rate increased from 7.6 percent to 7.7 percent while men’s overall unemployment rate dropped from 9.9 percent to 7.7 percent.[6]
  • Between June 2009 and January 2012 unemployment rates increased for black women (11.6 percent to 12.6 percent) and single mothers (11.7 percent to 12.0 percent).[7]
  • Unemployment rates declined during the recovery for black men (16.3 percent to 12.7 percent) and Hispanic women (11.5 percent to 11.3 percent). The unemployment rate for Hispanic men was unchanged since the start of the recovery (10.7 percent). [8]

Not surprisingly, the Law Center’s solution is to urge “Congress to take action to extend federal emergency unemployment benefits through 2012 and invest in job creation for women and men – and to reject further cuts in funding for public services that would mean more jobs losses and increased hardship, especially for women and their families.”

How MORE federal spending could help women “recover” (along with the men/kids who depend on them) defies explanation, Save Jerseyans.

But again, we can (and do) spend plenty of time arguing about the “solution.”

What we can’t debate is the objective truth of this Obama economy’s disastrous impact on American women.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Want to end this whole conversation on birth control ( contraceptive ) .Make the pill a OTC drug ,(men must pay for there own prophylactic) like Claritin-D ,show your licence ….once it become a over the counter drug it's ineligible to be covered by any insurance …Bingo

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