Democrat National Convention May Flee NC; Might I Suggest Atlantic City?

It seems that a few years back when the DNC decided to hold their national convention in Charlotte, NC they did not foresee the embarrassment that would come. Let us be fair though, a lot of it was completely unforeseeable.

For example, how were they to know that the state party would be involved in a messy sexual harassment scandal that would lead to both the Democrat Chairman and Executive Director resigning?

Also, how would they know that the wildly unpopular Democrat Governor would be able to read polls and decide that she will not run for re-election this year?


Then again, there were quite a few things they did know about in advance.

Like the fact that North Carolina is a right to work state, which ticks off unions enough not to dump money into the nearly $40 million the DNC had hoped to raise (by the way, they are seriously behind schedule to raise that money).

Or the fact that North Carolina is a state that has by statute outlawed marriage equality and was working toward a state constitutional amendment that all of the sudden runs contrary to President Obama’s new opinion on the issue. Or the hilarious irony in President Obama accepting his party’s nomination at Bank of America Stadium, a bank that took more in TARP funds than most of us and all of our friends combined will ever earn in a lifetime.

In short, the decision to have North Carolina host has turned into a PR nightmare. So now they want to move.

I say go for it!

If North Carolina weren’t going back to red after the fluke that was 2008 by now, they certainly will after the DNC abandons one of its largest cities that has been preparing and investing in this convention for months! Also, a move now would cost the DNC a tremendous amount of money, and in my mind, every dollar the spend moving their big celebration of four years of failure in the White House is a dollar they cannot spend smearing Mitt Romney and the GOP.

So here is an idea. Why doesn’t the DNC move the national convention to New Jersey! Yeah I know, I don’t really want all of those Democrats here either, but hear me out! We just built that huge, spectacular new hotel-casino, the Revel. It is opening this year and I have not heard a single bad comment about it from anyone who has been there. The DNC could capitalize on this great new venture and hold their entire convention in AC. Sure it wouldn’t be an area spectacular as the events would be in hotels, casinos, and the convention center, but when making making a dumb last minute change why not be bold and different?

It would also send a great message. What better way for the Democrats to give back to a state that receives far less back from the government than we send than by bringing great parties and a welcome economic jolt to one of the cities they helped destroy?

Just think about it, DNC; I think the location could be a winner, and you can thank me later for the idea!


Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Sir, you are charged with aiding and abetting the enemy. I say NO! Even though it would be good for the economy of Atlantic City and New Jersey, I don't think we should host the dems and their convention. NJ has enough liberalism, unionism, and every other ism that goes against our founders values as it is without giving credence to their agenda. It can give the appearance of a NJ endorsement of them. New Jersey can only be saved by making it a Conservative (Republican at least)state.

  2. I would love to see the DNC punish North Carolina for approving Amendment 1 but to suggest then should come to NJ where our own Homophobic Governor Christie Vetoed a marriage equality bill is just plain stupid. Until Christie says "I blew that one by vetoing that bill it affirmed to the country that I don't care about the LGBT community having equal rights because the Big Check writers are also anti LGBT and I can upset them

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