Why not? Smart women love substantial men!
A new FDU “PublicMind Poll” out this morning shows 56% of New Jersey voters overall approving of our old pal Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ). That’s Governor Christie’s highest-ever rating from FDU pollsters.
A majority, 51% of voters, say they have a favorable view of Gov. Chris Christie, including 29% of voters in the opposite party. Only 37% of Garden State voters say their view of him is unfavorable. A year ago in May, Christie’s “favorables” were reversed, 40% favorable and 45 unfavorable.
In fact, 49% say he’s doing a “good” or “excellent” job, including 28% of Democrats who agree. “The good news is obvious,” said Woolley. “The bad news may be that, historically, the only way to go from here is down.”
At the same time, 56% of voters say they approve of the job the governor is doing, a new high for PublicMind polling of the governor’s performance: 33% disapprove. A year ago in May, the governor only broke even, with 44% approving and 44% disapproving.
This news comes on the heels of yesterday’s Monmouth U. survey reporting high satisfaction among New Jersey residents with life in their state.
And as I’ve already alluded to above, Save Jerseyans, FDU found the Governor continuing to do pretty darn well with Garden State women, too:
Women approve by a margin of 9 points (48-39), and men by the much more robust margin of 37 points (64-27). Public employees disapprove of the governor (35-52), but non-public employees approve by a 2-to-1 margin (60-29).
Make no mistake about it… this curious little statistic is driving the Governor’s detractors NUTS!!! They wonder how a public school-hating, mammogram-denying, heavyset, white, Republican male could be such a big hit with the ladies. Why isn’t the “war on women” wearing him down? Women are SUPPOSED to like skinny, morally obtuse and intellectually vapid “modern men” like Barack Obama.
Yet Christie continues to vex them. I love it!
Your Blogger-in-Chief also maintains that Christie’s new proficiency at closing gender gaps is the #1 reason why the Governor remains in contention for the Mitt Romney’s Veep slot….
or didn't say. I beg to differ on the fact that you cealld my source racist. you may have not used the word but by definition (racist discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion. Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate, perhaps to obfuscate the matter.) The word you did feel the need to include was white and that makes your statement racist. Maybe you did not intend it that way but that's how it reads. At this point we seem to be re-hashing the same facts so I believe our conversation has run it's course. I think it's fair to say that we do not agree although i think some some level you have to agree there is a problem.