Lance Fights for Conservative Support in NJ-7

U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (R, NJ-7) touted himself as a “principled conservative” in an April television spot. Now he’s out with a new commercial, launched last week, celebrating the backing of conservative leaders:


It doesn’t take a political genius to recognize that Congressman Lance’s assault over the airwaves is intended to dampen the prospects of his long-shot challenger from the right, David Larsen.

Whether Team Lance’s extreme caution is warranted remains to be seen next Tuesday. Plenty of conservatives still don’t trust him both here and in national circles. Today, Larsen received the backing of the National Taxpayer Union’s campaign fund. NTU President Duane Parde said reelecting Lance would be a “gamble” for taxpayers:

The 2012 primary givesvoters in New Jersey’s 7th District a vital opportunity to send a true fiscal conservative to Washington, and David Larsen is the taxpayer’s choice. The stakes for our nation’s financial future are too high to gamble on another term for Leonard Lance. New Jerseyans, and all Americans, would be better served by David Larsen’s more energetic and innovative approach to lower taxes, budgetary discipline, less regulation, and reforms to our nation’s unsustainable entitlement programs.”

Larsen’s still faces an uphill slog. He garnered just 35.7% of the vote against Lance in a 2010 primary challenge.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Larsen has the endorsement of EVERY conservative group that has weighed in on this race. In addition to the NTU, David Larsen was endorsed by the American Conservative Union, Gun Owners of America, New Jersey Right to Life, RNC for Life, the National Tax Limitation Committee, Jersey Pro-Life, the Conservative Party of New Jersey, Building the New Majority, and many Tea Party groups.

    Lance can only get the backing of other career politicians or groups that favor more spending and more regulations.

    Lance is a poser trying to give the impression he is something that almost everyone knows he is not. His ads are nothing but spin and an effort to obfuscate his true record.

    Go to… to see the real truth that Lance fails to mention in his ads.

  2. We assume that Federal regulations are in place to modify market behavior, while forgetting that it mostly functions to hinder initiatives and has costly consequences. During 2011, the Obama Administration proposed and implemented over 760 new major regulations which exceeded 75,000 pages in the federal register. The estimated cost based on what I have read is somewhere around $230 billion and 120 million in additional hours annual paperwork requirements.

    When I recently contacted Senator Menendez office to inquiry on newly implemented EPA regulations, I was asked after having voiced my objections why I was concerned because these people at the EPA are the ‘experts’. I naturally in response asked her to define what qualifies them as ‘experts’ which quickly ended the conversation.

    How do we define ‘experts’? What makes somebody an ‘expert’? It seems obvious that the ‘expert’ in the Democrats’ mindset is the person who as a result of self-defined superior intellectual contemplation concludes that he or she has a far better understanding of how we, the ordinary plebeians should live our lives. So, if we just follow their radical dogma we will all be led into a nirvana of superior bliss. But, the logical question that remains unanswered by Democrats and RHINO Republications is; if we are not viewed as capable of managing our own lives, how can we possibly manage others?

    When the EPA released a new rule to regulate CO2 emissions from power plants, which simply put would ban new coal power plants since the EPA’s emission standards are too high to be met by conventional coal-fired plants, I became naturally curious to find out what Congressman Lance R-7 had done to rein in the EPA.

    After reviewing Congressman Lance’s major legislations record as member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, it is evident that he has remained silent on these regulations which will lead to closure of an anticipated 32 coal plants this year with significant job losses. But, it seems Senator Menendez has announced that he support the EPA rules which leads one to conclude that Congressman Lance R-7 must agree with Senator Menendez office that the EPA are the ‘experts’ on this issue.

    American manufacturers are consistently doing their part to improve the environment through new technologies, recycling and the promotion of energy efficiency. We need a Congressman in Washington who will reign in the overreach by the Federal bureaucracy and not a Congressman who is a member of the Washington establishment. This great country was built by people with an 8th grade education, so we are clearly capable of making our own decisions. We do not need ‘experts’ with Ph.ds in theoretical subjects to make decisions on our behalf. So, as a result I am voting for the Conservative Republican candidate David Larsen.

  3. In the past. The NRA has not made an endorsement in this race.

    BTW…The NRA also endorsed Harry Reid in 2010.

  4. Note that in 2010 Larsen got 35.7 in a FOUR WAY race. The anti-Lance vote was split among three relatively unknown candidates. Lance only got 55 %, which is not a resounding result for a sitting incumbent with the GOP establishment putting their thumb on the scales for him.


  5. Lenny Lance is so RINO he has liberal stripes. He voted against reopening drilling in the Gulf! Lenny voted to raise the debt ceiling by 2.1 TRILLION dollars (S 365).

    If you want more of the same, send the same back to DC. Me, I believe incumbents must go and true conservatives, one of which is DAVID LARSEN, must lead our country back to being the leader of the Free World.

  6. While driving up King George Road this evening from exit 36 by the Exxon Gas station to the entrance into the Dewey Meadows Shopping Village, I rescued eight “Larson For Congress” lawn signs which had been removed from their locations and thrown into the woods.

    This practice of discarding political signs during an election process should never be viewed under any circumstance as an acceptable practice of political ‘speech’, but rather as deplorable behavior commonly expected and anticipated by the thugs on the Left. Thus, I can only assume that Congressman Lance Support Team in Basking Ridge has sanctioned this type of behavior and as such it must also be viewed as an acceptable practice by the ‘principled’ Conservative Congressman Lance himself. Is this the type of Congressman we want to represent us in Washington D.C?

  7. The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC proudly supports Dave Larsen for Congress.

    Dave Larsen, unlike the 7th District incumbent Leonard Lance, has natural conservative instincts. Dave is a conservative's conservative.

    We think Dave can pull it off, tomorrow (primary day).

    If he wins, it would be a huge upset–but not surprising to us.

    On behalf of the PAC Board of Delegates,

    Don Adams

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