Rutgers-Rowan “Compromise” Still Likely a Raw Deal for Camden Campus

Just weeks before the July 1st deadline demanded by Governor Chris Christie, The Star-Ledger is reporting a tentative Rutgers-Camden/Rowan merger deal crafted state power brokers meeting behind closed doors.

The general parameters:

Under the plan, negotiated behind the scenes by a group of state lawmakers and university officials, Rutgers would still oversee how degrees are awarded and other academic issues but would have no authority over day-to-day operations of its Camden campus, those involved in the talks say.”

Of course this is only a proposal just like the original half-baked plan, Save Jerseyans.

We still have no specifics, no financial plan, no cost estimate, and no rationale for this merger other than the highly-speculative promise of a university in the mold of “State College” in Gloucester County down the road… in 25 years? 50? 100? No one has an answer; no one is even pretending to have an answer.

What do we know about this proposed compromise? Or at least what can we surmise based off of the early reports? “Day-to-day” operations likely translates to “control of the money;” and if Rowan is permitted to use the Rutgers-Camden law school like an ATM terminal, Cooper’s new medical school will be the only likely beneficiary. And we all know who the top dog is over at Cooper!

We’ll keep you apprised as details emerge…

For more background on the Rutgers-Camden/Rowan merger, visit our exclusive Save Jersey archives.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. After countless, phone calls, messages, emails, and letters, to deans, heads of departments, and the president of Rutgers himself, many concerned students and myself remain left in the dark and our questions unanswered. Our beloved Professor Dr. Rosenberg, has been a victim of the anti-semetic environment that has been created and allowed to grow at Rutgers University. Dr. Rosenberg has been facing many instances of harassment by department heads, deans, and leaders for no reason. He has made many formal complaints and reports to numerous departments over a span of many weeks, and the only response he and us students receive are very rude responses that simply say "thanks" and that this is a personnel matter. This is not the way that a prestigious university, the state university of New Jersey should be handling the serious concerns that its staff and students have regarding harassment, more specifically, anti-semitism. It was not until one of the Rutgers university daily newspapers, The Medium, published an article entitled "What About the Good Things Hitler Did?" In this article, the Medium praised Hitler and said he wasn't such a bad guy, The medium used an active Jewish students name, and picture as the author of the article, when he in fact had no relation to the article. This is one instance that was made known due to the severity and availability of the evidence since it was published in a newspaper allowed by Rutgers to be circulated throughout campus. Unfortunately for Dr. Rosenberg, the anti-semtism he faces from the department is not published in newspapers, and therefore is not as easily seen by others. however this does not mean that this serious issue can be ignored. Dr. Rosenberg is one of the only professor here at Rutgers that willingly and proudly wears a "skullcap" every day, clearly revealing his Jewish religion. Also a clergyman, he often speaks publicly about his religious views as well as others. He respects all religions and simply wished that people would do the same for his. Now Dr. Rosenberg has lost his opportunity to teach his public speaking course which he does every summer for over 10 years. He is not getting a response as to whether or not he will be teaching in the fall, and the harassment continues. The fact of the matter is that Rutgers University has created an anti-semitic atmosphere and has let it thrive to the point where students feel comfortable publishing anti-semetic articles in a well known school newspaper. Rutgers University allows this paper to circulate throughout campus just like they allow their main newspaper "The Daily Targum" which refuses to address this issue after numerous requests. Overall, something must be done about the anti-semitic injustices Dr. Rosenberg has and still is facing here at Rutgers University.

    As we are in the midst of concluding the Spring Semester, we the students of Doctor Rosenberg want you to know that this has been on of the most enjoyable non pressure, insightful, and exciting courses we have ever taken at Rutgers. Unlike other teachers, through his dynamic teaching abilities and intuitive nature, he instills within his students the desire to constantly improve. He does this not through pressure, numerous papers, constant criticism, but through a magic that he possesses to convey his belief in his students abilities to perform. In short he makes public speaking fun. While we have followed the syllabus he has done so with great humor, intelligence, creativity, and sensitivity. We have heard from other students how unhappy they are in other public speaking classes. How even though they deserve an A, the grades have been severely lessened because of their written work on first drafts. Dr. Rosenberg has made this a true public speaking class. He has corrected out outlines and given us tests but from both we have learned much without stress and pressure. It is beyond our understanding why our teacher should be harassed when he in fact deserves the teacher of the year award at Rutgers.

    Sincerely the Concerned Students of Dr. Rosenberg’s class,

    Nicole Honey

    Jackson Udelsman

    Leonora Slatnick

    Lucas Blebelberg

    Rob Beringer

    Ruslana Trytas

    Megan Caylor

    Justic Brown

    Rebecca Sampayo

    Prahlad Annamraju

    Karina Veliz

    Loren Williams

    Meagan Robinson

    Felicia O’Donnell

    Allison Payenski

    Camille Handy

    Shama Jhaveri

    Hyeri Ahn

  2. To whom it may concern,

    My name is Mena Beshay, a junior at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The

    purpose of this email is to inform and raise awareness of one of the most

    significant issues that threaten this university. It is very unfortunate that a

    university as diverse as Rutgers, does not do enough to protect its faculty,

    staff, and students from harassment and persecution based on religion. This is a

    very serious issue that I unfortunately witness too often. As part of the Coptic

    Orthodox Fellowship (COF) here at Rutgers I have personally been harassed in

    many instances by Muslim students. On my way out of COF meetings or events when

    walking out with my Priest we will be looked at, pointed at, laughed at, cursed

    at, and hear phrased like "Allah we Agbar" or "Salam Aleekom" which are two very

    common Islamic phrases. Instances like these unfortunately occur too often on

    Rutgers Campuses. I know for a fact, because i personally heard it that Rabbi

    Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the

    Jewish community is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know

    this because being a student in his class i have heard this from students in a

    variety of ways. In fact, Dr. Rosenberg's letter to Rutgers which he shared in

    class is very plausible. I have never heard of a student that would

    intentionally bring a teacher up for charges after one day of class for such a

    ridiculous accusation such as using his Twitter page and YouTube, which i see in

    almost every class here at Rutgers. The fact that the professor uses his book in

    addition to the required one should not be a reason to take him to task as at

    least half of the professors at Rutgers do the same. It undoubtedly raises the

    question of why Dr. Rosenberg is the one being singled out. Living and growing

    up in Egypt, instances like this are all too common for me, it is clear that

    someone intended on destroying him based on his religion and beliefs. he is one

    of the most popular teachers on campus and it is impossible to get into any of

    his classes from how much students respect and admire him. His public speaking

    class is one that i am eagrly waiting to attend because it is one of the few

    classes I actually enjoy and learn from. i am not Jewish , I am a Coptic

    Orthodox Christian and I can verify there is anti-semitism on campus, and that

    Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg.

    Concerned Student,

    Mena Beshay

  3. >

    > We, Dr. Rosenberg?s students, are now completely appalled. We have found out from one of our fellow students, that indeed, there are those who have targeted him with Anti-Semitic remarks and who really want to silence him. Since this was just discovered and made public by another brave student, we do not understand why the school newspaper will not do the story (unless the administration has threatened them) and we demand an explanation why he was targeted for a meeting for using his Twitter and Youtube, when recently, the home news did an article quoting a Rutgers professor, that they are the new media.. We are, as a group, prepared to go to the media, or to demonstrate, as we find this beyond disrespectful, disgusting, and outrageous. It is terrible that so many of the Deans are of a Jewish decent but still, there is no compassion for anti-Semitic. While you may tell Dr. Rosenberg that he has no rights, and the union says the administrators control his appointment, we the students pay your salaries. Dr. Rosenberg is not just a professor to us, he is a mentor. You kept asking him to prove his allegations of anti-Semitic – well, now he has proof. We will not remain silent.

    > He is not teaching this summer, and was not even given the courtesy of being notified. He has been teaching summer courses for numerous years and we know for a fact that many of our fellow students have been waiting anxiously to take his class, since every semester, his classes are filled to capacity. Every summer, students from other colleges take his course due to his reputation. We do not understand the explanation that was given, ?summer course registration was low,? because his would definitely have been filled.

    > We understand that Dr. Rosenberg being a part time lecturer has been informed that he has no rights, but we as students do. We do not understand how our beloved instructor who has proven to be the best teacher that we have had in college can be harassed and bullied by members of this school. While his union may have said this is okay, we as students on moral ground refuse to accept this. You have accused him of showing his instructional YouTube video in class and have found some way to make that an issue. We understand that one student has complained on the first day of class, but how can one student represent the majority of students in one class? By turning a mole hole in a mountain you have stripped us of an educational opportunity that we would have only received by taking his class.



    > Jamie Lesko

    > Rutgers: School Of Engineering (2012)

    > Civil Engineering


    > Rutgers Concrete Canoe Captain

    > President, Rutgers Outdoors Club

    Jamie Lesko Rutgers: School Of Engineering (2012) Civil Engineering Rutgers Concrete Canoe Captain President, Rutgers Outdoors Club

  4. I don't leave a ton of comments, but i did some searching and wound up here Rutgers-Rowan “Compromise” Still Likely a Raw Deal for Camden Campus | Save Jersey. And I do have a couple of questions for you if it's allright. Is it only me or does it look like a few of these remarks look like coming from brain dead individuals? 😛 And, if you are posting on other social sites, I would like to keep up with everything new you have to post. Would you list of all of your public pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile?

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