BCRO UPDATE: Yudin Endorses McCann’s Plan? But McCann Stops Short of Endorsing Yudin?

Bob Yudino (left) and Anthony Rottino (right) were competing to lead the BCRO. A third candidate, John McCann, is not pictured above.

Bergen Republican committee members will head to the BCRO (again) this Thursday evening to select between Anthony Rottino and Bob Yudin for the chairmanship.

After his elimination from this increasingly-nasty contest last week, former candidate John McCann said he wouldn’t endorse either remaining candidate prior to Thursday’s grand finale.

And yes, he didn’t technically endorse anyone in an email blast purportedly sent to committee members and obtained earlier today from a Save Jersey source, but his email certainly makes it obvious who McCann is personally supporting and/or leaning heavily towards backing…

For starters, McCann states that he’s gratified by Chairman Yudin’s alleged decision to embrace the basic elements of McCann’s own chairman campaign platform:

Over this last weekend, I had the opportunity to meet with both Chairman Yudin and Anthony Rottino to question them in-depth about their plans for the BCRO. In the course of one of those meetings, I was honored to have Chairman Yudin inform me that he was so impressed with my Five Step Plan that he not only intended to adopt the entire program should he be reelected, but would also in that event appoint me to a new Deputy Chairman of Policy and Planning position, where I would be given full authority to create and staff any subcommittees I saw fit to handle my various goals of robust fundraising, clear policy generation, local campaign support, charitable outreach, improved public relations, and much more.”

Consequently, a couple paragraphs further down the page, McCann brings his line of reasoning to its logical conclusion:

I stated last week that I would wait until Thursday to reveal my own preference in candidate, and I’ll stick to my word, but it would clearly be hard to imagine voting against my very own plans and the opportunity to personally implement them. The next best thing to me being Chairman is me being given the free reign and the authority to implement my ideas for reform under another Chairman.

Hey, who can disagree with that? If McCann truly believes the incumbent will best implement his desired reform agenda (and incorporate him into the BCRO power structure as the executing agent) then sure, you can understand why he’d support Chairman Yudin’s reelection without straining your imagination. I’ll leave it to others to speculate (it’s already begun) whether this non-endorsement/pre-announcement/whatever is made in good faith or, alternatively, is evidence of a backroom deal. That’s politics!

The one and only thing committee members need to consider: who is best suited to fix this mess???

And what a mess it is! No matter who ends up on top in approximately 48 hours, Save Jerseyans, this race (and the BCRO as a whole) increasingly resembles a terrible car wreck. We want to turn away… but can’t? Morbid fascination; it is, after all, “a silly place” to borrow one of my favorite Monty Python Holy Grail lines. But in all seriousness, someone needs to right the ship immediately before taxpayers across the state pay a grave price in 2012, 2013 and beyond for the BCRO’s incompetence.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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