It’s Official: Clinton People Love Paul Ryan (VIDEO)

Another day, another Democrat coming out in praise of Paul Ryan.

When its not the President himself saying that Ryan’s budget proposals are serious, or sitting Senators calling him bipartisan, which directly refutes the “extremist” tag that the Obama White House wishes to brand him with, it seems that much of the strongest praise comes from the Clinton side of the Democrat Party. You know, the side that has not yet gone completely insane?

President Clinton himself has been caught off-mic criticizing Democrats for doing nothing on medicare and agreeing with Ryan face-to-face on his proposals. But today’s video comes from one of his very trusted advisors during his time in the White House. Actually, its from Clinton’s arguably most trusted advisor, his Chief of Staff, Erskine Bowles.

You remember Erskine don’t you? He is the guy that President Obama picked to head up the Simpson – Bowles deficit reduction task force. The same task force that did its job admirably and then was categorically ignored when Obama realized he would have to make adult decisions about spending cuts if he implemented their plan.

So Erskine Bowles is good enough for Bill Clinton and President Obama, and he believes that Paul Ryan is “amazing.” Quite the endorsement! This video would make a great commercial to help define Ryan and deflect the false attacks that have already been underway since Saturday’s announcement.



Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.