Christie, Kyrillos & Runyan Pause to Remember September 11th

Despite the fact that we’re in the middle of a fiercely competitive campaign cycle, Save Jerseyans, it’s been an American tradition since September 11, 2001 to ramp-down negative political ads, phone banking, and other aggressive campaigning for one day in order to honor the victims of 9/11.

New Jersey’s leading Republicans are no exception. Earlier today, Governor Christie signed Executive Order No. 102. All flags in New Jersey will fly at half-staff today in memory of New Jersey’s 746 9/11 victims and all of the other beloved dead, and September 11, 2012 has been formally designated “Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance” throughout the entire state.

Three statements from Chris Christie, Joe Kyrillos and Jon Runyan, respectively, all worth reading and sharing…

Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ):

As we reach the eleventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we pause to remember and honor the memories of the innocent victims who lost their lives in New York City, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania – 746 of them New Jerseyans. Over a decade later, the events of that day – the unprecedented nature of the attacks on our homeland, the tragic loss of life, and the character, heroism and selflessness displayed by responders on that day – continue to have a permanent and deep-seated affect on every New Jerseyan and American today. As we gather at memorial ceremonies across the state, we remember the very best and the very worst of what we all experienced that day. We continue to give our comfort, thoughts and prayers to our communities and families who lost a loved one and honor the thousands of selfless Americans – firefighters, police officers, EMS responders, construction workers, and military personnel – who displayed unimaginable bravery and sacrifice.

“The events of that day continue to unite us as Americans – in our common respect and debt to the heroes of that day and against the forces of hatred that sought to cripple and undermine our values, our freedom, and our resolve as a nation and people to be a force of good in the world. As our state and nation did in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, we continue to demonstrate the resilience, strength and patriotism that define us as both New Jerseyans and Americans.”

U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Kyrillos (R-NJ):

Today, as a nation we pause to remember September 11th.  All of us remember where we were when that clear blue September sky waspierced by those who sought to bring a great country to her knees.   America was attacked, but our confidence in freedom and democracy remainsunshaken.  Today, we honor the memories of those who gave their lives in the defense of freedom.  We remember their names and the families they leftbehind.  Our hearts are still broken, but even in the depths of our sadness our commitment to freedom has never wavered.    Today, we remember thebrave men and women who rushed into the burning Towers and saved countless lives.  We remember them and all who courageously put their lives on theline to protect freedom.  Today, we put aside politics and personal differences to unite around that which binds us.  We are Americans.  Today, weremember.  Let us never forget.”

U.S. Rep. Jon Runyan (R-NJ):

As we pause to reflect on the tragic events of 9/11, there are really no words that can properly capture how we all felt that day. As I know you all are, please keep the people who died and their families in your prayers, as well as our military and their families who have defended our freedoms every day since. God Bless America.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.