“Is This Still Your Democratic Party?”

In the war to win Florida for Team Romney, the Emergency Committee for Israel — a 501(c)(4) group — is running a powerful new ad titled “Whose Democratic Party?” critiquing the decidedly anti-Israel bent of the Obama-era Democrat Party. The Committee itself is headed up by some very familiar conservative names: William Kristol, Gary Bauer and Rachel Abrams among others.

The Free Beacon says “the spot, which will air during Sunday’s football game between the Miami Dolphins and the Oakland Raiders in what is being described as a ‘significant ad buy,’ accuses Obama of leading his party to weaken the U.S.-Israel alliance.”

Not to shabby:


I’m sure we all have an older relative or family friend living in Florida who needs to see this TV ad, Save Jerseyans.

The latest Rasmussen poll shows Romney trailing Obama by 2-points (48%-46%) with a +/- 4.5 margin of error. That means every vote will count! Election 2000 count? We all hope it doesn’t come to that pass (again); for now, shouldn’t your sun-worshipping grandmother know that her Democratic Party — the one built by FDR, Truman and JFK — has long since disappeared? I don’t think any of those men wouldn’t approved of a convention that booed God and the State of Israel! Or the snubbing of the Israeli PM as the Middle East descended into flames…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Do we really want to be the party in charge when we hit bottom because we have already jumped off the cliff .With yesterday's action by the fed to come right out and tell us all money will be printed until the economy picks up and jobs are created …..which won't happen until our fundamentals change .Let Obama and his progressives be totally responsibly for what lies ahead ,because it will get ugly ….

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