Some folks just can’t get a break, Save Jerseyans.
The Kyrillos for U.S. Senate campaign had been claiming a little long-overdue momentum after the release of two polls — an internal one and a new Q-survey — suggesting that the Republican challenger’s race to unseat Democrat incumbent Bob Menendez had tightened significantly.
Then the Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics released its latest survey results (pdf), and they went over like a lead balloon with the Kyrillos camp. Rutgers/Eagleton found a 12-point lead for Menendez.
State Senator Kyrillos’s CM took offense:
‘Rutgers is better than this poll and the people running it,” said Kyrillos Campaign Manager Chapin Fay. “It’s curious that after two polls were released this week showing a much closer race, Rutgers releases their survey based on data from two weeks ago. They themselves acknowledge that this poll is irrelevant – that it was taken before our ads ran on television – yet they still have the audacity to conclude that the problem is that Joe is not known. Governor Christie nailed it ‘the only thing consistent about the Rutgers poll is, it’s wrong.’”
We’ll see how the next round of Rutgers/Eagleton polling looks; those results should reflect the potential impact of two Kyrillos “bio” campaign ads that ran on network television during the RNC.