Christie Responds to Newtown Shooting: “This Is An Unspeakable Tragedy” (VIDEO)

The grim situation in Newtown, CT is still very much fluid, Save Jerseyans, but Governor Chris Christie took a moment out of his afternoon press conference to let our northern neighbors know that our Garden State prayers are with them:


Meanwhile, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer has pledged her administration’s assistance to the Newtown authorities since there appears to be some species of biographical connection between the suspected shooter and her city. The authorities are hard at work putting the pieces together. Details are still emerging…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. An "unspeakable tragedy" is what Christie and his cohorts are wreaking on our state pension system as they double and triple dip their cronies, as if it were ice cream, not someone else's retirement–but their personal porkbarrel piggybank. Do I THINK Christie is a person worth listening to when he runs his mouth? Any guy who flies a flag at half-staff because there are NO MORE TWINKIES is not Presidential material in MY BOOK. Christie's "staff" deletes your emails, will not help you if you call and ask, and if they say they will call–forget it, they are blowing you off! HOW DO I KNOW?? Personal experience, in trying to get the Big Man to get off his Big A*# and help me in my time of serious need- which is NOW:

    "I have sent this letter to the Governor's office, and for some reason he and his cronies aren't answering. What do you think? I have contacted Senators van Drew, Menendez, Pennacchio and Governor Christie. No-one will help me, or respond to emails or calls. I am in serious financial straits, and the stress is not helping me in my quest to recover.

    Dear Governor and Senators—Congratulations on your efforts to crush disabled teachers who are forced to retire, have the doctors' letters and records to support their claims, and who have to be run through the corrupt wringer known as the TPAF (in cahoots with OAL and the IME agency of poorly qualified doctors, submitting fraudulent medical reports paid for by taxpayers) for almost 3 years. During this time, their health deteriorates and their family goes broke.

    Does this make you feel proud?


    I have TWO WC illnesses, one happening in 2005, and one pending in court from 2008. At the time when my doctors told me to retire I was diagnosed with an ulcer, was having severe, unchecked IBS-D and panic attacks on the job, and my immune system was so crushed I had pneumonia twice in one year. The TPAF has been ordered NOT to take calls, and do whatever necessary to keep a disabled teacher with 26 years experience from her rightful pension and much-needed benefits. In the past 16 months, I was diagnosed with a thyroid tumor and had surgery; waiting for my OAL appeal I had an emergency hysterectomy which took six hours and landed me in ICU with respiratory failure. As a result I was diagnosed with uterine carcinosarcoma. I HAVE A 50% chance of living 5 YEARS. Do you think I am ill enough for my pension NOW?? I have chemos that make me weak, sick, nauseous/diarrhea at the same time, and I cannot eat because everything tastes like poison. I am now waiting for my appointments for radiation oncologists, because if I am not properly given radiation I will wind up with permanent intestinal damage, perhaps with a colostomy bag, perhaps dead. I must keep my port for two years, because I might have more chemo; it must be flushed every 8 weeks. The nitwits at the TPAF and the senile judge Todd Miller from the OAL (he comes up for renewal in 2013, surprise) actually BELIEVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY I can STILL work as a teacher as ill as I am and will not give me my pension.

    You, sir, are a real humanitarian. Saving my paltry $34000/yr disability pension so all of those Christie cronies can have their big fat double dips totalling six digits. I am filing another appeal, and I think you should show you have a heart and are REALLY looking out for the people of NJ by helping me get my pension. I am not alone in my quest; there is one client of my attorney's who has waited almost a year for her OAL decision, which is SUPPOSED to take 45 days (took old man Miller 133 to render mine, and he didn't even properly quote my medical records). Do you know that the TPAF has stooped so low that they have even said they couldn't give me my pension because I had a discipline action in my file–and I had to call the the Dept of the Treasury to get this slanderous lie righted? Do you also know that TPAF granted my pension May 2011, sending me a check which I deposited and paid my bills (the entire check and transactions cleared) and they DARED to withdraw the money back ILLEGALLY weeks later and make all of my checks bounce and me get slapped with late fees? This action knocked my credit score down 100 points. I want my pension, NOW, retroactive back to July 1, 2010. I believe that you AND those who have turned this safety net that we paid into and should have for our rainy days into the porkbarrel politician slush fund should make things right, and ante up the pensions to the deserving, like myself."

    DO YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE, instead of harping on countless stories about the Conneticut tragedy, which is over and no-one wants to hear 20-20 hindsight? Investigate why the disabled can't get their pensions, and why Christie's cronies can retire for NO REASON in their 40s on a Friday, and be at work in a new job, paying into a new pension by MONDAY. That anyone allows this to go unchallenged makes me angry…beyond angry.

  2. WHY doesn't CHRISTIE explain his double-dippers, and give those of us who are disabled our pensions?

    I have sent this letter to the Governor's office, and for some reason he and his cronies aren't answering. What do you think? I have contacted Senators van Drew, Menendez, Pennacchio and Governor Christie. No-one will help me, respond to emails or calls. I am in serious financial straits, and the stress is not helping me in my quest to recover.

    "Congratulations on your efforts to crush disabled teachers who are forced to retire, have the doctors' letters and

    records to support their claim, and who have to be run through the corrupt wringer known as the TPAF (in cahoots with OAL and the IME agency of poorly qualified doctors, submitting fraudulent medical reports paid for by taxpayers) for almost 3 years. During this time, their health deteriorates and their family goes broke. Does this make you feel proud?

    I have TWO WC illnesses, one happening in 2005, and one pending in court from 2008. At the time when my doctors told me to retire I was diagnosed with an ulcer, was having severe, unchecked IBS-D and panic attacks on the job, and my immune system was so crushed I had pneumonia twice in one year. The TPAF has been ordered NOT to take calls, and do whatever necessary to keep a disabled teacher with 26 years experience from her rightful pension and much-needed benefits. In the past 16 months, I was diagnosed with a thyroid tumor and had surgery; waiting for my OAL appeal I had an emergency hysterectomy which took six hours and landed me in ICU with respiratory failure. As a result I was diagnosed with uterine carcinosarcoma. I HAVE A 50% chance of living 5 YEARS. Do you think I am ill enough for my pension NOW?? I have chemos that make me weak, sick, nauseous/diarrhea at the same time, and I cannot eat because everything tastes like poison. I am now waiting for my appointments for radiation oncologists, because if I am not properly given radiation I will wind up with permanent intestinal damage, perhaps with a colostomy bag, perhaps dead. I must keep my port for two years, because I might have more chemo; it must be flushed every 8 weeks. The nitwits at the TPAF and the senile judge Todd Miller from the OAL (he comes up for renewal in 2013, surprise) actually think I can STILL work as a teacher as ill as I am and will not give me my pension. You, sir, are a real humanitarian. Saving my paltry $34000/yr disability pension so all of those Christie cronies can have their big fat double dips totalling six digits. I am filing another appeal, and I think you should show you have a heart and are REALLY looking out for the people of NJ by helping me get my pension. Do you know that the TPAF has stooped so low that they have even said they couldn't give me my pension because I had a discipline action in my file–and I had to call the the Dept of the Treasury to get this slanderous lie righted? Do you alo know that TPAF granted my pension May 2011, sending me a check which I deposited and paid my bills (the entire check and transactions cleared) and they DARED to withdraw the money back ILLEGALLY weeks later and make all of my checks bounce and me get slapped with late fees? This action knocked my credit score down 100 points. I want my pension, NOW, retroactive back to July 1, 2010. I believe that you AND those who have turned this safety net that we paid into and should have for our rainy days into the porkbarrel politician slush fund should make things right, and ante up the pensions to the deserving, like myself."

    QUIT TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD, Gov. This tragedy is over and done. Why not straighten out the problems YOU have caused? And, SAVE JERSEY BLOGGERS- why won't YOU step in and help those of us who have been stonewalled and abused in our time of need by the very officials we elected?

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