Hermansen Places 3rd After First Big Vote to Replace Schroeder
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Round 1 of the fight to replace indicted GOP Assemblyman Bob Schroeder in LD39 is over, Save Jerseyans.
Here are the results from Thursday night’s Bergen NERO convention vote:
Schepisi – 186
Auth – 160
Hermansen -92
Mastriano -53
Polce – 50
Incumbent Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi and Old Tappan GOP Chair Bob Auth get a boost out of Thursday’s poll; supporters of former Freeholder Rob Hermansen didn’t expect a win tonight but a loss is never a happy thing! Thursday’s result is not, however, the final word. NERO is comprised of three “at large” delegates appointed by the municipal chairs from each town. Now it’s on to the regular convention…