A Primary Fit for Oz

…And Not New Jersey!

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Wizard of Oz

You may not love the GOP’s chances in this October’s special U.S. Senate contest, Save Jerseyans, but if you want to feel better about your party, just consider what the Dems are putting on the field.

The Democrat Primary is fit for Oz… not New Jersey. Think about it:

(1) Young Booker? No courage! Do you remember his horrendously embarrassing venture capital flip-flop last spring? In many ways, he’s the most palitible Democrat to conservatives for the same reason that Bill Clinton wasn’t a worst case scenario president post-1994; he’s a decent politician who is will to jettison his principles (when he actually forms them) for political expediency’s sake. Another “empty suit” in the New Jersey political bosses’ closet.

(2) Old Pallone? No brain! That’s not to say he’s “stupid,” Save Jerseyans. The scarecrow wasn’t stupid, either. He just didn’t know how to use it! And Pallone is a similar case. He stubbornly continues to occupy a virtual reality of a time gone by where the government class deserves to profit off of the people it “serves” and Big Labor is both all-power and actually representative of Middle Class America’s best interests. An old school Democrat with no place in the future!

(3) Poor Holt? No heart. He’s a scientist by training who is actually campaigning as a social engineer. What is this? 1960’s Russia? Check out his 2+ minute web video in which he attempts to create a contrast with Booker; anyone who believe carbon taxes and universal Pre-K are viable answers to this country’s problems can be rightly considered a mad scientist, my friends. This guy belongs in a research lab safely tucked away from real people.

Not Kansas. New Jersey. Click your heels until they fall off, Save Jerseyans. It won’t save us from this insanity.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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