New Obama-era Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations have placed America’s economic future in severe jeopardy, Save Jerseyans.
Ask anyone working in America’s embattled Coal Industry. A country can’t run without energy, and employers can’t expand their payrolls with regulators artificially increasing the cost of operation.
Yet despite this veritable avalanche of punishing regulations, most of which have been enacted by executive order, U.S. Representative Frank Pallone (D-Monmouth) is fretting over what the Republican House might do to the environment.
Pallone recently met with the Sierra Club’s local Lincroft chapter, warning them that “At every level, particularly in the House of Representatives, I think that … the whole tea party movement is essentially organized to eliminate or really cut back on environmental protection.”
Of course it’s all a load of crap, Save Jerseyans. Your Blogger-in-Chief believes Rep. Pallone is less concerned about air purity than the fact that a Republican President could “eliminate or really cut back” his family’s bank account…
The Congressman’s wife, Sarah Hospodor-Pallone, is an employee of the EPA.
And she’s no ordinary employee either. She does well there. Very well. In fact, she is a “Deputy Associate Administrator” who earned $140,259 per year as of 2010 (h/t
It’s good work if you can get it, folks.
Sure, Ms. Pallone’s salary is tax dollar-financed and derived from a position that makes it harder for her fellow citizens to prosper. But what the hell do Mr. and Mrs. Pallone care if it keeps them in butter brickle? Big government invariably benefits the takers at the expense of the producers. This situation is no exception to the rule.
Something to keep in mind as the NJ-6 GOP Primary gets heated, Save Jerseyans. Keep perspective, stay principled, and remain focused on the real problems in need of a remedy, e.g. shameless moochers like the Pallones.
Wow…you guys are THAT desperate that you would attack the Congressman's wife. Sad. All the while the GOP House is trying to cut back on regulations from concrete to the air we breathe and the water we drink. That's even more sad.
Our politicians profit while the people get poorer. November is coming!!!
No one is above reproach. It's all the nepotism that has gotten NJ & the rest of the country in the situation we're in. The unions are full of it, the government is full of it.
Nice work guys……