Lonegan Challenges Eck Petitions

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Lonegan TestimonyThe U.S. Senate special is heating up at the beginning of an otherwise cool June weekend, Save Jerseyans.

Our friend and frequent guest contributor Art Gallagher of MMM is reporting tonight that Steve Lonegan’s U.S. Senate campaign is challenging the petitions filed by his sole rival for the GOP nomination, Dr. Alieta Eck.

Dr. EckAmong other allegations, Lonegan attorney F. Michael Daily says “numerous books contain signatures purportedly witnessed by Alieta Eck and investigation has disclosed that contrary to her affirmations she did not witness such signatures.”

Dr. Eck’s campaign filed approximately 2,300 signatures on Monday, or about 1,300 more than the amount required to make the August primary ballot. It isn’t immediately clear whether the Lonegan camp’s legal challenge, if successful, will be enough to knock Eck off of the ballot outright or simply attempt to pressure the North Jersey physician to suspend her campaign.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Be a shame if the allegations are true because there are some overzealous people out there who simply choose to constantly besmirch the GOP with their antics.

  2. an apple a day keeps the doctor away…almost always good advice…will not be surprised if some sloppy signature gathering may have occurred with a furst time ever candidate.

  3. Yea that went real well for him haaaa what an embarrassment he is to himself n all who work for him . Who is letting him act out on his every ill conceived whim ? Even while wasting the time of the Judge for one ummmm n countless others losing time away from reality! Does lonegan not have advisors??? Ohhhh right they must be out vandalizing property , threatening lives , attacking cars … Some of his goons oops workers needs to switch shifts to babysit cause this lonegan fella has some issues

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