Trunk Robocall Slams Sweeney

LD3 GOP State Senate nominee Niki Trunk

GOP Challenger Condemns Sweeney’s Senate Obstructionism, Fenimore Landfill Politics in LD3 Robocall (AUDIO)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

LD3 GOP State Senate nominee Niki Trunk
LD3 GOP State Senate nominee Niki Trunk

She’s the reason TK2 and Senate President Steve Sweeney are on the outs, Save Jerseyans. LD3 GOP Senate challenger Niki Trunk doesn’t care; she’s pushing full steam ahead in her campaign to unseat the New Jersey Legislature’s most powerful Democrat in what should be, strictly by the numbers, one of our state’s most competitive districts in 2013 but for Sweeney’s money and influence.

Click here for the audio of her latest robocall obtained by Save Jersey.

South Jerseyans unfamiliar with the recorded call’s subject matter (Fenimore Landfill) up in Roxbury (Morris County) can click here to get caught up. It’s nasty business…

Here’s the robocall transcript:

Stop Playing Politics

Do you think we should put partisan politics before the health and safety of our kids? Me either. I’m Niki Trunk and I am running for State Senate against Steve Sweeney because he represents so much of what is wrong with Trenton politicians. Senator Sweeney is actually blocking legislation that would close a dangerous landfill that is leaking toxic gas onto a local ball field. Sweeney’s reason? Because the legislation needed to close the landfill was a Republican idea. Sweeney’s outrageous partisan stunt has rightfully been condemned by newspapers statewide. Now he refuses to pass Governor Christie’s plan to provide immediate property tax relief to middle class families in South Jersey. I’m Niki Trunk and I will vote to give you the property tax relief you deserve on day one and bring common sense back to Trenton. I hope I can count on your vote on November 5th. This call was paid for by Niki Trunk for Senate, Chuck Adams Treasurer. 856-347-0494.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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