Anti-Lonegan Video May Rally Conservatives as Senate Race Heats Up

The Lonegan-Booker race is on rails and moving fast. Both candidates have been out and about, hitting events and raising cash for what will be one of the quickest turnarounds from primary to general election in New Jersey history.

Some liberal group called “American Bridge 21st Century” has put up a YouTube video that has gotten the attention of clear Lonegan supporter and usual foil around here, Paul Mulshine. In this instance however, Mulshine makes a great point.

The video, titled “Steve Lonegan: The Face of the New GOP” is a compilation of clips that show Steve Lonegan to be a “right wing extremist,” who essentially makes blunt statements that taken out of context sound a bit harsh on their own, but drive home ideas of personal and fiscal responsibility for the Federal government.

In a national campaign for President, this video would be particularly damaging. But in a statewide race where the turnout may be low enough to rival the average primary, this may be just what Lonegan needs to make sure conservatives get out there and vote on October 16th.


To get some of the more moderate voters out, Lonegan has the support of Governor Christie, who is said to be making a public endorsement of this former adversary this week. If the Christie GOP and the Lonegan GOP can come together, we may just be able to elect a Senator who doesn’t want to spend money that we simply do not have.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Booker just has too much money. and the liberal media are in his pocket and don´t like lonegan. unless that waywire thing explodes lonegan does not have a chance. I hope I am wrong.

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