Round 1 of Game of Jersey officially ended at 8:00PM. An August 13th election day along with seriously bad weather this morning lead to very low turnout throughout the state. Keep checking this post for continuously updating results.
Last Update – 11:26PM (98% reporting)
Booker – 207,891
Holt – 59,922
Oliver – 14,996
Pallone – 69,311
Eck – 25,009
Lonegan – 99,265
The Associated Press has called the GOP Primary for Steve Lonegan and the Democrat Primary for Cory Booker. No one at Save Jersey really considers this outcome surprising (have you seen our Game of Jersey banners?). These calls were made with less than 20 percent of precincts reporting in on both sides of the aisle.
you have a bit of a mistake, fix it please. Steve Lonegan won the Republican nomination.
And the ignorance continues….