Trunk Pans “Bully” Sweeney in TV Spot

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Declaring that “nobody likes a bully,” GOP LD3 Senate hopeful Niki Trunk is out with her first ad of the 2013 campaign on Monday morning that offers a harsh critique of the incumbent, Senate President Steve Sweeney, zeroing in on a number of issues including his caucus’s delayed reaction to Fenimore Landfill legislation.

Check it out:


Like any contrast ad worth its salt, Trunk’s commercial balances criticism of Sweeney with some of her own biographical points. “Steve Sweeney abused his power for political payback,” says Trunk in the 30-second spot. “When powerful politicians pick on the most vulnerable, I won’t back down.”

Niki Trunk is battling not just Steve Sweeney but the entire South Jersey Democrat machine. After her former Republican running mate and current Harrison Township Mayor Lou Manzois sided with Sweeney’s reelection effort, Trunk observed how “[t]hey bully and intimidate people who don’t agree with them and co-opt people who are too weak to stand up to them. The difference between me and Lou Manzois that I won’t be pushed around. I’m here to fight because the people of South Jersey deserve a representative who serves them, not someone who serves himself and his friends.”

By way of background, just a few years ago, Manzois lamented Trunk’s decision to leave the township to work for Governor Christie’s administration, lamenting to the Gloucester County Time that “[i]t’s very, very shocking and disappointing that she won’t be able to continue in the role because she has been my partner for three years. We started this thing together.”

Welcome to Southwest Jersey, folks!

Republicans nevertheless maintain high hopes for Trunk in what is undeniably an underdog fight. It’s not hard to understand why owing to the political climate this cycle and seeing how well Trunk carries herself in her first ad.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R-Union), whose support for Trunk led to legislative reprisals from Sweeney, will be talking to your Blogger-in-Chief on Tuesday concerning the state of the LD3 contest and other potential GOP pick up opportunities around the state, notably down in LD1 where the GOP also recently got the jump and went on air ahead of the Democrat ticket

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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