Killed with Kindness

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie at debateBarbara Buono (BWOH’-noh) had a rough Tuesday night. Click here to watch the full video if you missed it.

We knew debate #1 was going to be bad for the challenger. I don’t think we knew how bad. Yikes!

Set aside for a moment the fact that she’s never going to sway us on substance. We know she’s wrong; we’ve watched Buono and her ilk drive our state to fiscal and economic ruin over the course of two decades. If we grade her strictly on style points, Save Jerseyans, Buono came across as a nasty, ill-prepared and not-ready-for-prime time child pretender. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that showing was unambiguously regrettable for the Democrat challenger.

I almost felt bad for Sen. Buono as she endured what was surely one of the longest nights of her life; the feeling quickly passed when I recalled my property tax bill. Governor Christie’s knock-out punch, however, came towards the end of the debate…


Swinging wildly all night in search of an elusive score, when asked to “say something nice” about her opponent, Buono stayed consistently nasty and snorted that Christie was “good on late night television.”

Governor Christie remained disciplined and proceeded to compliment Sen. Buono’s dedication to public service. “While we have policy agreements,” Christie said in a serious tone, “I would never denigrate her service.”

Killing’em with kindness. Works every time. 

Buono certainly wouldn’t have elicited that level of generosity from me, folks. She’s denigrated plenty of people. Her record deserves condemnation. But then again, I’m not “THE GOVERNOR.”

Last night’s debate reminded us of the reason why he is and she never will be.

Moreover, Christie’s dominant performance against a member of the fairer sex, successfully landing devastating body blows without coming across as a bully, will undoubtedly give heart to those who’d like to see him take on and defeat Hillary Clinton three years from now. Stay tuned.

The next (and final) gubernatorial debate between Christie and Buono is scheduled for October 15th. In the interim, Lt. Governor Guadagno is primed to debate Milly Silva on Friday.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Nice propaganda and great smearing of candidate. Any mention of CHRISTIES' quashing prosecution of his Sheriff friend or other under handed dealings?

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