GOP “Losing” to Mr. 37%?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Angry ObamaA new Associated Press poll dropped this week, Save Jerseyans.

It suggests that President Obama’s approval rating is also dropping like a rock. And the AP isn’t exactly known for its conservative bias. A trend is emerging.

Looking deeper into the AP results doesn’t improve the picture for Barack Obama: only 34% of Americans approve of their president’s handling of health care and a mere 21% approve of his approach to the partial federal #shutdown.

21%, folks.

That’s pretty much the Big O’s family, friends and Administration employees but no one else.

So can someone explain to me how the Republican Party is “losing” this shut down debate?

Particularly when only 21% of Americans approve a health care takeover that’s robbing them of their doctors, adding zero’s to their premiums, cutting their hours at work, and all for a $634+ million website that doesn’t work?

“Bipartisanship” as the GOP leadership chooses to define it is a futile exercise. It’s pro-longed surrender ceremony. A principled negotiation from a position of strength? A totally different story! But that requires courage, and courage lays its foundation on a proper factual basis. Negotiation also requires good faith on both sides; it’s not a negotiation when there’s no hope that “conciliation will be met with compromise.” 

Far too few Republican know or understand what really happened in 1995, and even fewer seem to recall that we GAINED two Senate seats in 1996.

Man up before it’s too late, Republicans. You’re only losing because you’re talking yourselves into it.

President Obama’s approval rating would be at 27% if you’d stop the infighting, stand your ground, and start reading from the same sheet for a change like your superiorly-disciplined opponents always do.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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