By Nicole Sanders | The Save Jersey Blog
While the national and local media are covering the Fort Lee incident like birds of prey looking for a cheap meal, Save Jerseyans, I just want to tell the Governor: I’ve got your back!
And I did before Thursday’s press conference.
For those of you know do not know, I was the President of a Democrats for Christie in 2009. Then as a Democrat I decided to give countless hours of volunteer time even while I worked full time, went to college, ran other campaigns, lost my grandpa that year and my sister suffered from a brain disorder to support him.
I believed in him. I saw what he did as the US Attorney for the District of New Jersey and I knew if elected Governor he would be one of the best our state has ever had. Needless to say, I was right.
Shortly after Chris Christie won, I changed parties and joined the Republican camp; I grew up, assumed operation of my families’ businesses and realized that I was a fiscal conservative.
Many of you have undoubtedly had a similar experience upon entering the “real” world.” I have since become even more involved in politics and have been very proud of almost all of the Governors accomplishments.
Do I always agree with him? No, but overall he has done amazing things for this state.
Here are just a few:
– Hurricane Sandy response
– Implementation of school choice reforms and taking on the entrenched public sector unions
– Reduced funding to Planned Parenthood and, in turn, reducing the amount of abortions
– Delivered annual balanced budgets without tax increases
– Attempted to derail the COAH affordable housing scheme
– Nominated first openly gay male to New Jersey’s Supreme Court
– His ability to work across the aisle to get things done without compromising his moral convictions
Whereas I clearly don’t agree with vindictive lane closures and fully support consequences for anyone responsible, I can’t help but maintain my perspective (despite the media’s attempts to rob me of it) and consider this situation in relation to everything else currently happening in (and to) the United States.
There’s simply no comparison!
Our federal government has turned a blind eye on Benghazi and blatant disrespect to our military personnel (“what difference does it make?”). We are losing more and more of our freedom and going more and more into debt everyday. Poor at home and unsafe abroad, millions of American are now dying because they lost their health insurance and cannot obtain proper and/or timely medicine and medical attention (I am among those who lost their plans).
But the media wouldn’t declare Hillary Clinton’s political career DOA after Benghazi but somehow Chris Christie is being treated differently? I can’t help but think that the “R” at the end of his name has something to do with the disparity!
They’re even blaming a death on the lane closures despite the fact that, inside The Record‘s actual story, they caution that the EMS coordinator who is the source for the story “did not say her death was directly caused by the delays.”
NYT even reported on Thursday evening that – surprise surprise – the victim’s own daughter doesn’t think the lane closure had anything to do with her mother’s passing.
Some folks refuse to let the truth get in the way of a good story that’s embarrassing to a Republican…
Even John Wisniewski, the hyper-partisan Democrat Transportation Committee chairman who is leading the legislative inquiry, admitted during his Wednesday presser that there is no evidence yet of any direct link to Governor Chris Christie.
I’m sure that breaks his heart, Save Jerseyans, but it’s not news to me.
So you’re saying that he’s grossly incompetent and not a vengeful asshole? I love the end of the post best, “did not say her death was directly caused by the delays.” – yeah that sounds LOADS better.http://gawker.com/chris-christie-is-either-a-vengeful-asshole-or-entirely-1497791173
Not one person who says that Chritie knew and was behind it has provided any proof or even a believable explanation as to why he would do this. A lot of mayors and democrats didn’t endorse Christie. I seriously doubt the Ft Lee mayor was that important.
I absolutely love it. You’d have to be a real hater to make bridgegate Christie’s fault, let alone conflate it to his record of governing. New Jersey style corrution has it’s enemy. Governor Christie has always taken responsibility for his colleagues/staff members disasterous policies or actions.
nice use of the word conflate.
happy new year!
Good perspectives. Christie is without question the best governor we have had in my adult life. Don’t know if he can fix NJ as this scandals highlights the dirty politics in NJ, but he hasn’t hurt this state like the four governors before him. Either way, it does look like his detractors finally have something real to complain about. No matter what he will not get a fair shake from the majority of media.
Good perspectives. Christie is without question the best governor we have had in my adult life. Don’t know if he can fix NJ as this scandals highlights the dirty politics in NJ, but he hasn’t hurt this state like the four governors before him. Either way, it does look like his detractors finally have something real to complain about. No matter what he will not get a fair shake from the majority of media.
Oy vey…
This is the guy that says he, “gets things done,” remember? Now, when he’s caught with his pants down, he says he delegates much of his workload. We don’t accept this behavior from Obama; why should we accept it from Christie?
Nicole, you are not a democrat. Democrats believe in facts and truth. You are spouting the same lies about Obama and Hillary that the right wing cowards use but have no evidence of fact to back it up. Which makes your entire argument moot.
Chris Christia is a scumbag. He belittles his staff every chance he gets, cursing at them, and talking down at them with impunity. Everything he does it all a show. He cares about this state? HAH. He throws entire bags of trash out of the window of his car as hes driving down the parkway. The man is slime and i know this personally.
Ya no Dem would do any thing so petty. Oh I forgot Obama closing all National Parks, because the Rep. would not kiss his ASS.
Christie is the man.
To bring u home cheeseburgers
Definitely support our Gov.
Not sure how you can defend a man who treats the public with disrespect that he would allow traffic to stop for 4 days! Christie will be lucky if he is the governor by the end of the year! I remind my children everyday about bullying!!!!!
@Christopher Grown men can’t bully other grown men. It’s an overused term. Get over it.
@Christopher Grown men can’t bully other grown men. It’s an overused term. Get over it.
tell that to the Rutgers Student who committed suicide because of bullying by a grown man..I am a registered republican who is watching the party be destroyed because of the likes of you and Christie. I will get over it where there is equality and JUSTICE…thankyou for showing me your true colors!!!!!!!
The pattern must have started early in his career. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/chris-christie-college-political-machine
Yes we do
yes we do! Obama’s minions are trying the deflect and confuse strategy-don’t fall for it!
yes we do! Obama’s minions are trying the deflect and confuse strategy-don’t fall for it!
His so called “truth” must exist everywhere, but his educational beliefs. My favorite is when he talks about the improvements in Newark and Camden schools …. lie, lie, lie. If you believe anything he says about education you should be forced to keep/send your kids to a public school and work in one. Christie is on the right track to ruining public education. I hope you all feel he is so wonderful then too. Also, look up the word hypocrite. If you are going to say Christie doesn’t lie or isn’t a bully then maybe you should do it w/o name calling or bullying the opposition yourself. I thought Christie handled Sandy incredibly well so I’m not saying he is horrible, but as you expect “Obama’s minions” to accept the blame for his shortcomings you should have to admit to Christie’s.
I did not say I currently AM a Democrat. I said I WAS a Democrat
I’m not a teacher so I can’t speak to that. My mom is a teacher though and she loves him. She taught in Camden for 5 years. He did balance an education budget every year though- prior to that the education system was more than bankrupting the state. Again I’m not an education expert though so I don’t comment on how exactly he did it.
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