By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
The Mainstream Media is doing everything it can to affix the “unelectable” label to Chris Christie over the past 36 to 48 hours of breaking Bridgegate developments, Save Jerseyans.
Some of it driven purely by the desire for a big story about a big fish. Others, however, are clearly in the other camp and more than happy to see a Republican front runner hobbled and humbled.
One man who disagrees with this narrative: Speaker of the House John Boehner.
“I think so. I think so,” is what he told the AP today when asked if he thought the Governor was a still a 2016 contender. The Speaker didn’t say it out of love for the New Jerseyan. Christie and other Northeastern GOP’ers notoriously lambasted Boehner in the media after his caucus didn’t move quickly enough, in his estimation, to pass a giant Sandy relief aid package after the superstorm devastated portions of our Garden State.