By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Dawn Zimmer was for Governor Christie before she lashed out against him, Save Jerseyans.
We’ll continue to provide you with concrete examples for as long as this goofy #bridgegate sideshow persists. Here she is back in 2010 backing Chris Christie’s landmark property tax cap:
After a cap passed the legislature, Zimmer’s praise remained effusive:
“As I stated when Governor Christie visited Hoboken recently, there’s nothing partisan about being smart and responsible with the money entrusted to us by our citizens. I thank the leadership in both parties and our Hoboken representatives in the legislature, Senator Brian Stack, Assemblyman Ruben Ramos, and Assemblywoman Caridad Rodriguez, for supporting this historic property tax legislation.”
BTW: her fellow Democrats over in the legislature still haven’t passed the full tool kit…
In what way in this contradictory? After she said this his aides (according to her) advised her if she wanted assistance she had better do as the governor says. She hasn’t so she’s received a fraction of the sandy aid she asked for. What she said then reflected the situation at the time. Circumstances have changed since she made her original statement. Your evidence here is non existent and I can’t even say an A for effort, it’s pretty weak
Lol, this is from 2010! The shakedown over the Rockefeller Group project happened in 2013.
I guess either nobody reads these posts or no one has a good answer to my question