Muni Chairs Back Eck Bid

Dr. Eck chats with Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ07)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Dr. Eck chats with Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ07)
Dr. Eck chats with Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ07)

Dr. Aleita Eck is moving to solidify support behind her bid to replace the retiring Rush Holt (D-NJ12) today, Save Jerseyans, by announcing that both Mary Chyb, Former State Committeewoman and North Brunswick GOP Chair, and Roslyn Kane, the Monroe GOP Chair, have decided to formerly endorse her candidacy

I am happy to add my name to the list of Dr. Eck’s supporters,” said Chairwoman Kane. “As a doctor, businesswoman, selfless servant of the poor and needy, mother, wife, and leader, Dr. Eck is the kind of individual we need in Washington. She demonstrates daily that the values we espouse as Republicans, when put into practice, yield results. She has my support and I look forward to helping her win in November.”

“It is very exciting to receive the endorsement of such accomplished women as Mary and Roslyn,” added Eck, a medical physician and philanthropist, in her campaign’s press release announcing the endorsements. “Their service to our party, tireless advocacy for our shared values, and accomplishments in business and education make them leaders to look up to and try to emulate. I look forward to their help and counsel and I am honored by their endorsement.”

Dr. Eck has already won the backing of Somerset GOP Chairman Al Gaburo and former Assemblywoman Barbara Wright.

To date, no other GOP challengers of note have announced a bid of their own.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.