O’Scanlon: Red Light Camera Corruption Warrants Investigations By Fishman, Wisniewski
By Art Gallagher | MoreMonmouthMusings.com
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) said today that he is asking U.S Attorney Paul Fishman to open criminal investigations into the municipal clients of Redflex Traffic Systems, an Arizona based red light camera company, due to legal claims by a former executive that the company routinely bribed municipal officials in 13 states, including New Jersey, in order to obtain the lucrative contracts to operate camera systems that issue summonses for red light infractions.
Additionally, O’Scanlon is writing to Assembly Transportation Committee Chairman John Wisniewski to ask that the committee open an investigation into New Jersey’s red light camera program in light of the recent bribery allegations and scientific proof commissioned by O’Scanlon that red light cameras are a detriment to public safety that are rigged to cheat motorists.
Did they name names on who they bribed?
Red light cameras are nothing more than a scam to rip off taxpayers.
Pretty soon we will be investigating the investigators. Elect honest competent people and we wont need all these investigations. get rid of the political hacks and professional politicians.
NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!……even though it should