Christie Lands 4th in CPAC Straw Poll

h/t @krualy

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

h/t @krualy
h/t @krualy

The CPAC 2014 straw poll results are in, Save Jerseyans, and Rand Paul was the big winner with 31% of votes cast by conference attendees. Ted Cruz was a distant second at 11%. Dr. Ben Carson rounded out the top 3 with 9%.

Chris Christie finished 4th at 8%, only 1-point better for having given a well-received speech this year than back in March 2013 when he wasn’t invited. “Other” grabbed 9% of the vote. Scott Walker was right on Governor Christie’s heels at 7%.

What do the results tell us?

Not much (it’s an unscientific straw poll, after all), other than the fact that young conservatives are increasingly leaning-libertarian.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. “The Governor” is such a fake. Everyone knows he’s not a conservative.

  2. No surprise a DC insider won the straw poll just miles from DC. But, come 2016, Americans are going to want a President who understands the issues and leadership, not one who can get talking points from wikipedia.

  3. I find these comments typical of what you here across the country on social media. Because as usual Republicans forget not ALL republicans are crazy right wingers who are in their own quest of self righteousness. They alienate the rest of the party and they pick a milk toast candidate that ends up loosing. So go ahead pick someone else and you can guarantee 4 more years with Hillary and Bill. The democrats are scared of Christie and they are trying to keep him from running.

  4. .

    @Liz: With all due respect, we “crazy right-wingers” have not nominated the last several Republican nominees, the milquetoast GOP Establishment did:

    Bush 92 – LOSS
    Dole 96 – LOSS
    Bush 00 – WIN (Popular vote LOSS)
    Bush 04 – WIN (Electoral vote squeaker)
    McCain – LOSS
    Romney – LOSS

    No, the last guy we nominated was a proud CONSERVATIVE who won two LANDSLIDE elections – Ronald Reagan…

  5. Chris Christie is political roadkill and this poll proves it. Real Conservatives want nothing to do with that RINO phony. If we redid the 2009 primary for Governor between Steve Lonegan and RINO Christie, Lonegan would win in a landslide.. Dr. Ben Carson will be a fantastic candidate for President in 2016, along with either Rand Paul or Ted Cruz.

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