Passaic Goes with Goldberg

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Brian Goldberg
Brian Goldberg

Here’s the U.S. Senate county breakdown thus far as of this brisk yet clear March morning, Save Jerseyans:

We’ve learned that Passaic County went with businessman Brian Goldberg on Saturday morning. Goldberg previously won the line in Essex County, too, and at this stage, he’s the only candidate with two counties in his column. That’s something.

It’s also something that’s not close to over. Monmouth County’s Rich Pezzullo earned Union County’s support back on March 1st. Professor Murray Sabrin walked away with the most votes (but not the line as of yet) from Middlesex County’s screening committee ahead of next weekend’s convention after a multi-ballot duel with former FBI agent Rob Turkavage.

Flip a coin. We’ll know more by the end of next Saturday at which point Ocean, Monmouth AND Middlesex will have formally weighed in on the contest.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Has anyone noticed that Goldberg came in LAST on the Union and Middlesex ballots? His only skill is chatting up county chairs. I’d be shocked if he got over 10% in the actual vote, even with his ill-gotten county lines.

  2. If he is, he’s doing his job as a candidate. Of course he might have had a head start, Goldberg has been at this for awhile; he didn’t just decide to jump into the race a few weeks go. BTW, he’s also a life long Republican, and life long NJ resident. “I’ll gotten”??? Did he cheat?

  3. Greg: voters aren’t excited about him. Last year he failed to get the signatures to get on the ballot. He’s a nice guy who Cory Booker would tear to shreds. We need a Murray Sabrin or a Rich Pezzullo, the other 3 candidates would probably come in third to the socialist worker’s party.

  4. Also, he started the campaign months beforehand yet has barely 1/4 the Facebook likes of Rich Pezzullo and trails Murray Sabrin and Jeff Bell in twitter followers. Personally, I like Brian. But he just isn’t up to snuff with his competition or with Cory Booker.

  5. I’m still waiting for someone to run a comparative analysis of the candidates. All I know is that Sabrin is a Libertarian, which means the Feds will not allow him to win no matter who votes how. Is there a frontrunner, or the race is a complete tabula rasa?

  6. This is adorable. And how long have you been a Republican, sweet puff? 5 seconds? More Dems hiding in a Greek tying to destroy our kingdom. The bottom line is Brian Goldberg is the Party favorite, and you are… “Anonymous.” Tell your buddy Booker the unemployment line is waiting.

  7. Goldberg is the favorite of party chairs, Murray and Rich are the ones actually getting support from regular republicans. In the general, the county chairs are just 21 votes. Murray Sabrin could take down Booker. Rich Pezzullo? Maybe. But Goldberg? Cory Booker would love for Goldberg to win. He could save his time & money for when a real opponent comes along.

  8. I’ve looked at the sites and watched the various videos. Rich Pezzullo seems to edge out Sabrin in full depth of coupling his small business pedigree into a classic (state-centric, not national-centric) conservative senator. The others don’t have that connection with the constituents, or are a bit indecisive in their presentations. It’s ok to be a greenhorn, but it’s NOT ok to be oblivious of how things work in general, and Pezzullo has that edge. In addition, he’s also RUN as a 3rd Party conservative, so he’s definitely more like Ted Cruz than Mitch McConnell. Obviously, it’s early, but I agree that chatting up the heads of the party in each county should be secondary to putting out the message to the citizens.

  9. Honestly, I don’t believe either of them can unseat the Obama’s Mini-Me, aka Booker. He has too much Hollywood money to draw upon, too many urban drones that vote for his skin hue, and full D.C. support for voting fraud if needs be. Can either of the candidates beat Lonegan’s result, given a very favorable year?

  10. So what about Ocean County? Their convention is this week. Are any of the candidates planning to attend?

  11. I believe all 5 candidates will be attending Ocean County’s convention, though I could be wrong- Cape May is the same time on the same night, and some of them might decide to go there instead if they don’t think they have a shot at winning. My guess is they’ll all be at Ocean because there are just so many more primary votes at stake, and they’ll let the B-Team of friends/campaign staff duke it out for the Cape May line.

  12. I’m a Monmouth County Republican Committee Member and I will be voting at our Convention on Saturday. I will be meeting with the three candidates seeking the Republican line this Friday. My goal is to select a candidate that will be able to win Corey Booker. Just being a “nice fella” isn’t enough; the candidate needs to be someone that is “electable”. I will do more research on Rich Pezullo.

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