Bonnie’s BS Medicare Ad is Bunk

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Bonnie Watson Coleman: a known liar
Bonnie Watson Coleman: a known liar

I think it’s extremely telling that Democrats primarily attack Republicans in their primary campaign ads whereas Republicans primary hopefuls… also attack Republicans.

Is it any wonder why we’re constantly getting our clocks cleaned at the polls?

In any event, the CD12 Democrat primary TV ad war is heating up in the final hours of the 2014 primary cycle as Bonnie Watson Coleman took to the air in the past 24 hours with this spot promising to stop the Tea Party from, essentially, killing everyone’s grandparents by stealing their benefits:


Some things in real life and politics (note how I differentiated the two) are open for interpretation, Save Jerseyans.

Facts are still facts, and there isn’t a significant Republican leader or candidate in the country who’s on the ballot this year proposing Medicare cuts let alone the dismantling of the program. It was a lie in 2012 and it’s still a lie today. Seniors didn’t fall for it. You and I also know that it’s actually the Democrats who’ve put the program at risk, and the President’s asinine health care law continues to keep cuts on the table.

It’s a bulls–t allegation, people. Pure and simple. Shame on Bonnie for peddling it in an attempt to out-crazy her primary opponents in a race to the bottom of the “progressive” barrel. She even sent out a campaign donation solicitation on Thursday trumpeting her support from Christie “enemy” – Bonnie’s words, not mine -Barbara Buono (BWOH’-noh). Yikes. So much for the party of tolerance!

Then again, I guess options are limited when you’re trying to beat two equally nutty liberals and a Sith Lord to boot?

The Force is with CD12 Republicans; they’re running a supremely-qualified woman doctor this year who is uniquely positioned to debunk Bonnie’s B.S. assuming, of course, that Dr. Alieta Eck receives the support that she needs to get her message out there.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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