Runyan Will Endorse MacArthur

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Jon Runyan
Jon Runyan

Few observers expected outgoing Rep. Jon Runyan to endorse Steve Lonegan given their divergent philosophies on the state of the Republican Party and ongoing antagonism between Lonegan and the Burlington GOP, Save Jerseyans, but over the past few weeks, some CD3 watchers wondered why the former Eagles star hadn’t publicly weighed in on the race to replace him in Congress given the competitive nature of the contest.

Well, wonder no longer. Runyan will formally endorse Tom MacArthur tomorrow with exactly three weeks left to go before the June 3rd primary.

The event is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday at Burlington County’s Marlton Tavern. Runyan is headlining a fundraiser for MacArthur immediately following the press conference. Lonegan, for his part, will stage a campaign town hall event on the same evening only minutes away in nearby Medford.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Hm, go see a proven winner endorse the next Congressman from CD3, or a proven loser blather on about nothing? Touch choice.

  2. Oh my gosh, an establishment republican endorsing an establishment republican? And I thought I’d seen it all.
    I like Lonegan better, but I’m fine with MacArthur. At this point, I’m just focusing on beating Aimee Belgard.

  3. This endorsement only hurts MacArthur in my eyes. Runyan voted to fund Obamacare and was a sponsor of CISPA, He is the epitome of a liberal Republican. This is tantamount to one Gilmore/Layton puppet backing another. I’m not the least bit impressed.

  4. I think it was great that Congressman Runyan officially endorsed Tom MacArthur. Tom is a great choice and is more conservative than Runyan but still palatable to the District at large. I was at the press conference and I think both men had good things to say and I believe the district will do well to have a consistent Conservative who understands how to create jobs and run a business. Tom is the only candidate that has the background we need to get results. He also has a better understanding of the district given his summer home for over a decade was in the CD-3 and he spent significant time in the Ocean County community. His primary opponent cannot legitimately say the same.

  5. Bill – maybe in the primary…and I guess that is tempered by what “results” you’re seeking. He didn’t “CREATE” jobs – his company bought others – he “ACQUIRED” employees. That’s not job creation. How many jobs did he obliterate by fighting valid insurance claims in his tenure at AIG puppet YORK? How many lives?

    47 FEDERAL counts on his watch – not since he left – ON HIS WATCH. That doesn’t address settled claims, or those with valid claims who walked away because they didn’t have the financial wherewithal to fight a bully.

    HE is a charlatan, through and through. 1600 Wheelchairs. ‘nuf said.

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