MacArthur Makes Young Guns List

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

top gunNational Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) strategists are reading the tea leaves just like everyone else, Save Jerseyans, and they’re feeling bullish about New Jersey’s Third Congressional District, formally announcing on Tuesday its decision to elevate Republican nominee Tom MacArthur to its prestigious “young guns” program.

Launched by men Eric CantorKevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan in 2007, the Young Guns program is considered a boon for first-time candidates; it’s a sign that keeping CD3 ‘red’ remains a top GOP priority in 2014 AND that they’re confident in MacArthur’s ability to accomplish the task. 

“Candidates that reach ‘Young Gun’ status have met a series of rigorous goals that will put them in position to win on Election Day,” said NRCC Chairman Greg Walden. “Our job as a committee is to help elect Republicans to office that will serve as a check and balance on the Obama administration. These 11 candidates will fight to stop the harmful consequences of ObamaCare, grow the economy, and get Washington’s spending under control. As the November Elections approach,I am confident that these candidates will continue to work hard for their communities and bring common-sense principles to Congress.”

The NRCC had designated MacArthur as a “contender” — akin to an “on deck” or “waiting list” status – back at the beginning of May before the primary.

Here’s a full list:

CA-03 Dan Logue
CA-07 Doug Ose
CA-26 Jeff Gorell
CA-36 Brian Nestande
CA-52 Carl DeMaio
GA-12 Rick Allen
IL-11 Darlene Senger
IL-17 Bobby Schilling
NJ-03 Tom MacArthur
WA-01 Pedro Celis
WV-02 Alex Mooney

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The “Young Guns” just lost one of their founders and mentors, Eric Cantor. Too bad.

  2. Another sign that MacArthur is going to back the mainstream Republican agenda of big government and crony capitalism. As if you would expect a Gilmore puppet to actually go against the grain and vote for a pro-freedom conservative agenda.

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