Belgard’s Running Alright… Away from Scrutiny!

Freeholder Joseph Donnelly looks on while seated next to Aimee Belgard's empty seat.

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Freeholder Joseph Donnelly looks on while seated next to Aimee Belgard's empty seat.
Freeholder Joseph Donnelly looks on while seated next to Aimee Belgard’s empty seat.

This Wednesday evening’s Burlington County Freeholder meeting transpired without event, Save Jerseyans, but there was one notable absence.

She tweeted about it; Freeholder and Democrat NJ-03 nominee Aimee Beglard just didn’t show up for it. Maybe it’s the negative influence of her friend Cory Booker (D-Twitter)? A man who believes governing and tweeting are interchangeable terms.

Belgard did bother to call. No, I’m not joking.

Too busy running to succeed Jon Runyan to do her day job? Or is she trying to hide out and avoid tough questions after a particularly nasty DCCC-financed smear against her opponent, Tom MacArthur, backfired in epic fashion?

An ad so unusually vile (even for N.J. politics) that the University of Pennsylvania’s labeled it part of “a pattern of deception.”

They don’t know the half of it. This is the only non-incumbent I can ever remember covering in seven years of Save Jersey who does NOT want to debate.

Belgard’s behavior isn’t going unnoticed given the highly-targeted nature of this cycle’s 3rd District contest. “It’s bad enough that career politician Aimee Belgard broke her promise to Burlington County when she took a Freeholder salary after pledging not to,” remarked NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior. “Now she doesn’t even show up and earn the salary she promised she wouldn’t take. Belgard owes her constituents an immediate explanation as to why she didn’t show up to do her job.”

The Republican candidate is also waiting for an explanation. “So far in this campaign, Aimee Belgard has ducked my debate challenges, refused to speak to the press and ignored the serious issues important to the people of Burlington and Ocean Counties,” added MacArthur, who is likely tired of doing the work of two candidates with less than three months to go. “Instead, she has parroted the mean-spirited and misleading talking points of her Washington, DC handlers and run a campaign of personal attacks that serve nobody’s interests but her own.  While I suspect Freeholder Belgard will claim she has no power to take the ad down herself, the truth is that if she disavowed the ad and called the DCCC to stop airing it, they would almost be forced to comply or lose total credibility.  I await her response.”

As do we!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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