Christie Signs Bail Reform, “Ban the Box” Bills

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Prison FenceThe Governor took action on five pieces of legislation on Monday, Save Jerseyans, and only one earned his conditional veto.

Bail reform (S-946/A-1910) is solid legislation but indirectly cost the taxpayers $4 billion. #YOLO!

Watered-down A-1999/S-2124, or the “Ban the Box” bill, is better than the original version but still places an unnecessary additional burden on struggling N.J. employers at a time when they’re already getting it from angles.

A run-down:


S-946/A-1910 (Norcross, Scutari, Barnes/Burzichelli, Watson Coleman, McKeon, Mukherji, Quijano, Rodriquez-Gregg) – Implements constitutional amendment authorizing denial of pretrial release; establishes speedy trial time frames; reforms bail proceedings; adds nonmonetary bail alternatives; and authorizes Judiciary to revise fees for these and other court-related programs


ACS for A-1999/S-2124 (Watson Coleman, Green, Spencer, Wimberly, Sumter/Cunningham, Lesniak, Ruiz) – “The Opportunity to Compete Act;” establishes certain employment rights for persons with criminal record

S-667/A-2207 (Pou/Vainieri Huttle, Lagana, Giblin, Garcia) – Expands definition and licensure requirements for health care service firms

S-1571/A-3374 (Sarlo/Wisniewski, Stender, Rumana, Clifton) – Designates State Highway Route No. 71 bridge between Borough of Belmar and Borough of Avon-by-the-Sea as “Robert A. Briant, Sr. Memorial Bridge”


S-2264/A-3459 (Beach/Singleton) – CONDITIONAL – Extends application period for certain urban hope projects; permits reconstructed facilities as part of projects; and provides additional retirement benefits for certain PERS and TPAF members in certain urban hope districts [See CV message here]


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.