CBS News Poll: Bad News For Dems, Obama

By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot

PelosiThere’s a new CBS News poll out that has very bad news for President Obama and the Democrats.

But you have to drill all the way down into the poll’s figures to find the bad news.
Apparently, CBS doesn’t want you to find the negative figures but they’re there and they are stark.

Here’s what the poll says:

  • Only 29% of those surveyed think Obama’s policies have made America safer while a whopping 69% say his policies have made us less safe of have had no effect.

  • A majority, 51% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of terrorism.
  • Just 40% of Americans approve of the president’s handling of ISIS.
  • On foreign policy overall, Obama gets a very low 35% approval rating.
  • The president’s overall job approval rating remains stuck in the low forties – 42%
  • Only 25% of Americans say they have “a lot of confidence” in Obama’s handling of an international crisis. 44% have little or no confidence.
  • Nearly one-third of voters (31%) see their midterm vote as a vote against Obama.
    Republicans now have a six-point lead in preference among voters if the congressional elections were held today.
  • In the vote for control of the Senate, the GOP holds a five-point lead with more Americans now preferring to see Republicans control the Senate and more Americans planning to vote for the GOP this November.
  • Republicans are far more enthusiastic about voting next month than Democrats. In this category, the GOP holds a ten-point lead. Its voters are enthusiastic and motivated.
  • More Republicans (37%) are paying a lot of attention to the campaign than Democrats (28%).

Across the board, the figures for Obama and the Democrats are not good.

Dan Cirucci
About Dan Cirucci 390 Articles
Dan Cirucci, the founder and editor-in chief of the Dan Cirucci Blog (, is one of the most widely honored public relations professionals in his field and a public relations consultant to numerous organizations and individuals.


  1. But will it be damaging for Dems? The election could be an anti-Obama campaign, but he can’t run again anyhow. Unless Republicans can link the Democrat candidates to Obama and his policies into one united box, it may not resonate with voters and guarantee a shoo-in for the GOP. An anti-Obama poll doesn’t mean the rest of the line will go down with the ship, especially when Obama isn’t on the ticket . . . the party sentiment will still be there.

    As the saying goes . . . when things look good, don’t take anything for granted . . . you need to work even harder.

  2. Joe Sinagra , you nailed it. But Republicans of the Karl Rove wing are afraid to do that.

  3. The Democratic base is down right now. Even Chris Matthews believes the President has failed on Ebola miserably. He clearly has failed on ISIS miserably. This is not to say local issues won’t be important. Or that any Republican can win if they show up. But Obama is clearly a drag on the Democratic Party this year and you see it when nobody wants him on the campaign trail.

  4. We will see as Mr booker strongly supported the ACA and not sold on this signature legislation as it does not address the cost of care or tort reform as we have with our nj n auto market.time for a change get a grip…get rid of incumbent politicos

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