Menendez: Obama just “vindicated the brutal behavior of the Cuban government”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

obama corzine menendezEveryone’s favorite Caribbean tourist Bob Menendez (D-Ecuador/Dominican Republic) is once again finding himself in opposition to the Obama Administration on the foreign affairs front, Save Jerseyans, moments after the White House performed an about-face after decades of single-track Cuban-American policy.

Menendez didn’t mince words:

“President Obama’s actions have vindicated the brutal behavior of the Cuban government. There is no equivalence between an international aid worker and convicted spies who were found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage against our nation. One spy was also convicted of conspiracy to murder for his role in the 1996 tragedy in which the Cuban military shot down two U.S. civilian planes, killing several American citizens. My heart goes out to the American families that lost love ones on that fateful day.”

Click here to read Sen. Menendez’s full statement.

What would make this criticism more effective? If the good senator would trying being a little more consistent. At various times he’s cited racism and intrigue as the forces behind salacious internationally-focused ethics allegations lodged against him. Now he’s accusing the President of vindicating an evil regime only days after blaming Republicans for POTUS’s many failures.

Make up your mind, Senator: do you want to be an independent voice at a time when our country is in deep peril? Or are you going to continue to be a reliable liberal lap dog for all the wrong people?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. As someone whose best friend is Cuban, I agree with Hudson Bob. This is unfathomable to me but not unexpected on 0’s part.

  2. @Maria I tend to agree that the current policy hasn’t worked, but I need more details to decided whether he’s going about it in the right way. This Administration has a tendency for ass backwards execution!

  3. If you ever want to meet my Cuban friends, let me know Matty! My & Carrie’s friend from childhood, Diane, and I were just talking about how adorable you were as a kid this weekend! And how we are so proud that you have grown into such an amazing young man. You remind me so much of your grandfather Bill as he too has always been amazing in my eyes, as of course your beautiful mother is too 🙂

  4. When we have cops choking people to death on our streets and are holding and torturing people in foreign lands in violation of the Constitution and without benefit of trial or due process, I have a hard time judging Cuba for anythign it has done. It’s time to make friends, not more enemies. For once, Obama got it right.

  5. Did i read the caption “right”?

    **Do i think the (so called) president was right
    this time around?**

    1: FACT:
    The ANTI-American,
    kenyan immigrant,
    who “occupies” The White House
    Has NEVER been RIGHT.
    2: FACT
    ANYONE who thinks he has,
    (ever been right)
    should see a doctor
    about having their HEAD
    removed from their @$$.

  6. I think Obama is right. No other country really does to Cuba what we do. Not even Canada or Mexico. Besides, normalization of relations could result in the extradition of cop killer Joanne Chesimard. That alone would be a huge win.

  7. I normally despise Bob but he’s right on this. He will now be on His Imperial Majesty’s hitlist. Criticizing our monarch leads to punishment.

  8. What’s wrong Menendez? King Obama used his executive action to progress…
    You were not whining when he did that to give amnesty to illegals…

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  1. Indictment be damned! Menendez goes after Obama (again), this time over Cuba | The Save Jersey Blog

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