Two new polls: Walker leads in New Hampshire

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie Walker

The latest, Save Jerseyans:

Poll #1, from Gravis Marketing, shows Scott Walker in first place at 23%, followed by Jeb Bush (16%), Chris Christie (12%) and Rand Paul (11%). Gov. Christie actually loses to “unsure” by 2-points (14% to 12%).

“Walker has a national reputation and when he won in Wisconsin last time, he won big against an excellent candidate, especially groomed and marketed to be a not-so liberal alternative,” opined Doug Kaplan, managing partner at Gravis Insights. “We are talking about Wisconsin, where Walker governs like a conservative. It just goes to show he has charisma.”

Paul #2 from NH1 Pulse Poll found similar results: Walker at 21.2% among likely GOP presidential primary voters and Jeb Bush in distant second place with 14.4%. Rounding out the top contenders was Rand Paul (8.3%), Ben Carson (8.2%) and Chris Christie (7%), followed by Mike Huckabee (6.8%) and Marco Rubio (5.4%). No one else scored above 5%.

Independents can vote in New Hampshire’s primary. Among just Republicans? Walker comes in at 22.7% and Bush at 15.6%. Among undeclared likely primary voters, Rand Paul actually leads with 16.9% followed closely by Walker at 14.8% and Bush at 9.5%.

With Walker also leading in Iowa, we have to say he’s the new polling front runner. For now.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Yes, I am considering him. Unlike Mittens, Walker won more than one election in his state. Unlike Christie, Walker is running because people want him to run on his accomplishments while Christie runs as the YouTube candidate.

  2. More and more conservatives are not fooled by Christie. They won’t be fooled by Jeb Bush either. Scott Walker is the man to beat, and from what everything we hear about him it seems more and more New Jersey conservatives will embrace him warmly as our nominee for POTUS.

  3. I like Walker. But I do not like his stance on amnesty.I would definitely vote for him he he were the nominee at this point. I did take notice to the undecided going for Rand over Walker, and so should the establishment. Independents go for anti establishment more than not.always So do Conservatives.

  4. There is so much that can happen between now and June 2016. The players change almost weekly. If the election were being held tomorrow I would certainly be researching my choices, but until we get closer to the Primary, I will hold off on any decision.

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