Christie: “Send me a Republican Legislature”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

As legislative candidates race to Trenton and file their petitions before today’s deadline, Save Jerseyans, Governor Chris Christie’s NJ GOP is raising money online with a simple message:

Give him a Republican legislature in 2015.

bramnick and christie“With the entire New Jersey Assembly up for re-election this year, we finally have an opportunity to send more Republicans to the Legislature,” Christie is quoted as saying in the fundraising email. “But with Trenton Democrats desperate to hold on to their majority, we must take every step to ensure our candidates have the resources to win races across this state in November. “

The Christie era GOP, burned with an exceptionally-crappy redistricting map, failed to produce legislative gains in 2011 and 2013; in fact, since 2011, his first off-cycle election, the Assembly caucus is down a net of one seat (+1 in LD1; -1 in LD2 and LD4 each).

It comes as no surprise now when Democrats, running out of incentives to cooperate, are increasingly stepping out on their own and rebuffing compromise.

Will 2015 be different? We shall see, Save Jerseyans! While the Governor focused primarily on out-of-state pursuits during both of the aforementioned cycles, lagging support among the Republican base nationally make a strong showing at home all the more important (or at least useful) with under one year left to go before Iowa and New Hampshire.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Only if you sign a shall issue concealed carry law. Otherwise what’s the point – rino

  2. BS, he didn’t need a Republican Legislature to push pension reform, he just doesn’t give a shit about the 2A!

  3. I am disgusted as a conservative!!! HE IS NOTHING BUT A TYPICAL LYING FAT POS OF A POLITICIAN!!!!

  4. “The Christie era GOP, burned with an exceptionally-crappy redistricting map, failed to produce legislative gains in 2011 and 2013; in fact, since 2011, his first off-cycle election, the Assembly caucus is down a net of one seat (+1 in LD1; -1 in LD2 and LD4 each).”

    If my memory serves me correctly, Christie let a Liberal judge be the guy who rendered the final decision on the “exceptionally-crappy redistricting map”. Does anyone know why?

  5. Maybe he shouldn’t have campaigned so hard in Democratic districts for the purpose of padding his margin of victory, and instead should have campaigned for Republicans. He turned out Democrats to vote for him at the top of the ticket, and those same Democrats then voted Democrat down ballot.

    Christie has no standing to complain about a Democratic legislature. It’s what he campaigned for.

  6. I don’t trust a word CC says. He said it when asked about changing NJ’s administrative code to add self defense as a “justifiable need” which would make NJ’s concealed firearm carry permit process more in line with those of most other states. According to NJ law that is the governor’s administration’s responsibility.

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