By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Updated 5:46 p.m. 4/29/15
Wow… here we go…
Bloomberg reports that David Wildstein, former PolitickerNJ editor under the pen name “Wally Edge” and the colorful figure presently at the center of “Bridgegate,” will plead guilty on Thursday Friday in Newark on federal charge(s) of some sort.
The major questions: What type of charge or charges? Does this mean the grand jury’s work is done? And is Wildstein also a cooperating witness (translated: did he plead guilty and throw others under the bus as part of a deal)? As early as last April, it had been reported that Wildstein and his attorneys were meeting with the feds.
Adding an extra layer to this over 1 1/2-year old drama is the imminent formal launch of Governor Chris Christie’s presidential campaign. Obviously, the extent to which indictments begin to rain down (if they do?) will exert some sort of impact of his chances. Commenting on the news at an unrelated, pre-scheduled bill signing press availability, Christie said only “I don’t think it has much to do with me.”
Hold on to your seats, Save Jerseyans…
Read Bloomberg’s story here.
History in the making?